A Night to Remember

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We made our way back to the school just fine, and the three of us walked down the hallway that led to the dorms. AJ continued to talk about James and how he was cool.

"I've never met anyone like James before," AJ said and looked up at Clem and I. "Well...I guess I have since we've known Y/N longer."

I chuckled a little and shook my head, sighing contently. I was feeling a little better now that we were out of the woods and away from the stable, but I still found myself thinking about it a bit. AJ had paused his talk, before he resumed.

"I mean, he's tough. Not like you, Clem—sorta like Y/N, though. He doesn't kill monsters...but he's not scared of them, either," AJ said and glanced up at Clem and I. "He's cool."

"Well, he's been through a lot. I mean, we all have—but he found beauty in the worst scenario," I said as we rounded the corner.

We met with Ruby who was carrying pillows down the hall and we stopped. "Hey Clem, hey Y/N," She said softly. "Willy told me the plan. How'd things go with that...guy?"

"Decent enough," I said and shook my head. "He's agreed to help us, tomorrow night."

"If somebody told me we were gonna sneak onto a boat in a herd of walkers, I'd have called 'em crazy," Ruby said with a light chuckle.

AJ then noticed the pillows Ruby was holding, "What're you doing with those?" He asked.

"Oh, well. I wanted to throw one last hootenanny before the big fight," Ruby said and I beamed.

"I'd happily go help you guys set it up," I said with a smile and gently let go of Clem's hand.

"Swear...?" AJ asked and looked back at Clem.

"Huh...?" Ruby sounded confused.

"It sounds like a swear," AJ said and looked up at Ruby.

"Nah, it's a way some people say 'party' or 'celebration'," I looked down at him with a small smile.

"Y/N's right. It's just another word for 'party'," Clem said and nodded.

"Right," Ruby said with a slight nod and smile. "I know it sounds strange, throwin' a party. But people need somethin' to lift their spirits right about now."

"Well, between Louis and I, we have a vast music selection," I chuckled.

"This could be our last chance," Clem said with a small smile.

"I wanted to make some tea for everyone. Could I borrow your little heater thing?" Ruby asked Clem.

Clem gave Ruby a nod before AJ looked up at Ruby. "What can I do?"

"We need to pretty up the old music room. Could you make us something colorful to hang up?" Ruby asked him.

"Okay! I'll be an artist," AJ said and pointed a thumb at his chest before he quickly ran off and into our dorm.

We all looked at each other with a small smile as the room's door shut, and I stopped Ruby before she walked away.

"I'll be over to help in a minute, I'm gonna grab my guitar and talk to Clem, first," I said and she gave me a nod.

"Alright, sug," She smiled. "You and Clem are so gosh darn cute together," She teased and I blushed a bit before she walked away. Luckily Clem had already gone into the room, and I hoped she didn't hear the comment from the hall. I pushed the door open and stepped inside, before I shut it behind myself.

"I'm gonna make the deck...decker..." AJ struggled a bit as he sat at the desk, drawing.

"Decoration," Clem and I said at the same time.

[COMPLETED] All or Nothing | Clementine (S4) x Fem!ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora