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Spencer's P.O.V

I was in my thoughts the entire time during my session with Dr. Spears and I couldn't believe what my actions have caused me.

My wife and daughters are afraid and don't feel safe around me, and I can't blame them.

All I could do was look at the cabinet I punched. My hand was in some discomfort, and there was no one else to blame but myself.

"I know I went about this the wrong way. My wife didn't deserve that, she was trying to apologize for her mistakes." I said to Dr. Spears as he was writing notes.

"Do you still have anger towards her?" He asks me.

"At that moment I did, but not anymore. Sometimes I think to myself that I'm better off alone and we should co-parent the girls."

"Is that what you want Spencer?"


"You know what I see Spencer?"

"What's that?"

"I see that you were hurt by Olivia's actions, and ever since you were released from the hospital, she stood by your side even when you were mad at her. You finally let all the anger out and now you're afraid that she'll hurt you again. But it's difficult because you're still in love with her."

He hands me a photo of Liv holding Gianna and Kiara.

I couldn't hold in my emotions as tears started falling from my face.

"The truth hurts the most, but now I'm starting to realize that I should've taken a chance and see if Liv and I could get back to where we used to be before things went sideways."

"Then if that's what you believe Spencer, go after what you want. If it's meant to be, then it's meant to be. But regardless of what happens, we can both agree that Olivia will still be a part of you because you two are amazing parents to these beautiful girls and you want the best for them. They're your priorities."

"Thank you, Dr. Spears."

"Anytime Spencer."
Olivia's P.O.V

This past month has been hard for me and the girls; them feeling like they were in danger from Spencer broke my heart. But I can't blame them, I know I'm the reason why Spencer's mad, but at that moment, I had never seen him that angry, so I just needed to get away.

I decided to stay at my parent's house for the time being.

"How are you holding up Liv?" Simone asked me.

"Not too good. I just don't know what to think and I'm not sure where me and Spencer go from here if we can't get past this. I don't know else I can prove to him that I'm not going to hurt him ever again."

"Well, Liv. I don't know what to tell you. You messed with Spencer's emotions by saying he wasn't Gianna's or Kiara's father. All of that is because he was wrongfully accused of having an affair with bitch Rochelle. What'd you expect?"

"Jordan?!?!" Simone yelled at him.

"No, Simone. I deserved that."

"Liv, you're my sister, and I love you, but I had to tell you the truth. If you still want to be married to Spencer, you two owe each other an honest conversation."

"He's not going to talk to me unless it's about the girls."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that Liv." Jordan tells me as we all turn to the front door seeing Spencer come in.

"Spencer. What are you doing here?"

"I came here for my wife and my daughters."

"Liv, can we talk?"

I nodded my head.

"We're gonna go check on the kids upstairs with Mom and Dad." Jordan told us.

As they left the room, me and Spencer were silent for a couple of seconds.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry."

We both said at the same time.

"Liv. Please let me get this off my chest."


"I was out of line for how I reacted towards you. Ever since I was released from the hospital, you were there for me when I pushed you away multiple times. You have been nothing but honest with me these past couple of months. I was just hurt that my wife disowned me because I was accused of having an affair. It felt like you didn't love me anymore. All that anger and hate just kept building up inside of me until I finally let it out, but I did it the wrong way. I don't want our baby girls to see me as someone who would have so much hate towards their mother." Tears started to fall from his eyes. "I don't want you to ever think that I would not be there for you or the girls. I want you all in my life because the truth is I'm miserable without you all. My life is not complete and I feel all alone. I was just hesitant to give us another chance because I was afraid you would hurt me again, but it's clear to me now. I want you Liv. I want our family back."

I got closer to Spencer and wiped away his tears.

"Spencer. All I care about is you and our family we built. I'm the reason why our family was broken in the first place. When the accusations of the affair happened, all I could think about was me never being enough for you. So I jumped the gun because I was heartbroken. But I never gave you a chance to hear your side of the story. Better yet, a wife is supposed to stand by her husband, and I did the complete opposite. I broke our vows, Spencer. I not only lost your love and trust, but I also lost that from your family. Your Mom has always been there for me, but now I've given her every reason not to trust me. She told me that if I still loved you, I would need to fight for our marriage no matter how long it took for you to forgive me. I only left because I feared for our family's lives when lashed out at me. I was being a mother first."

"And you have every right to be mad at me for how I reacted."

"I was mad Spencer, but I played a part in it too. Gianna and Kiara miss you so much. I told them that we were having an argument that night and you overreacted. I know you wouldn't hurt them Spencer and I also wouldn't keep them from you. You're their father and they need you as much as you need them. But also, I want my husband back."

"I'm willing to put this in the past Liv, but I don't want you to assume the worst in me if god forbid anything like this ever happened again."

"I promise Spencer."

We hugged each other for a long moment.

"I love you, Spencer."

He kisses my forehead.

"Daddy!" We heard Gianna and Kiara walking down the stairs and hugged Spencer as they missed him after all this time.

Spencer then wrapped his arm around me and kissed me with passion.

"I love you so much Liv." I smiled at him.

"Gianna. Kiara. I love you both and I'm so sorry for how I reacted. You girls and mommy are my world."

"It's ok Daddy. We love you too."

" I have a fun family trip planned for us."

"Where are we going?"


"Yay!" Gianna and Kiara jumped as they were excited about the news. "Thank you, Daddy!"

"Anything for my girls." Spencer said as he smiled at me and I couldn't be any happier as we were finally taking a step in the right direction.
Spelivia finally had an honest conversation with each other and they are committed to getting past this. This may have seemed like the ending, but the story is far from over. Enjoy the next chapter coming up because more angst/drama is coming between our favorite couple. Please excuse any mistakes or grammar errors. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

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