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Olivia's P.O.V

"Family of Spencer James." Ms. Grace and I walked toward Doctor Smith.

"How is he?" My mom asked.

"His heart did stop beating, but we were able to resuscitate him before it was too late. He's just sleeping and will pull through. Aside from that, he does have a broken arm and broken leg from the car accident, but he will heal from those injuries in a couple of months. "

Tears fell from my face when I heard Spencer lost consciousness, but luckily it was just temporary and he is alive and well.

"Can I please see my husband Doctor Smith?"

"Yes, he's in the same room, but please do not wake him up. He needs to rest." I nodded my head acknowledging what Doctor Smith had requested.

Once I walked into Spencer's room and sat next to him, the heart monitor was beeping at a normal rate and it was a sigh of relief knowing that Spencer was going to pull through.

"Finally some good news to hear. My son is coming back."

"Ms. Grace, to be honest with you, Spencer wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me. I'm the one who made him believe that the girls aren't his and disrespecting his father. I may not have met Corey in person, but I disrespected his name."

"Olivia, you may have led my son to believe that and disrespected his father, but he was the one who got in the car and was driving while intoxicated. My son knows better than that, but the important thing is that he is going to pull through. He is going to be banged up these next few months, but can I ask you something, Olivia?"

"Anything Ms. Grace."

"Don't give up on my son when things seem to be difficult. I can't tell you that everything is going to be ok, I want you to earn my son's trust back. He does love you Olivia, and I know you love him even through the cheating scandal. I've been in your shoes Olivia, it may have been a little different for me and Corey because he left me, but I gave him a reason to no longer trust me and it only hurt my sons. Also know this, blood or no blood, Gianna and Kiara will always be granddaughters."

I couldn't help but get emotional again.

"Ms. Grace, I promise you that Spencer is their father and you are their grandmother, blood of your blood. I just have to come clean with Spencer and tell him how it's true, but I want to do it when he is clear-headed and has no distractions. I'll be by his side, no matter how long it takes." I held her hand as she wiped away a tear from my face.
Spencer's P.O.V (TW: Suicidal Thoughts)

It was pitch black and I had no idea where I was. As I continued walking, I finally saw a light shine bright. When I finally could see, I was still confused about where I was at.

"Where am I?"

"Hello, son." My dad appeared from behind me and I was completely caught off guard by his presence."

"Dad? How? Wait, am I dead?"

"No Spencer, you're very much alive."

"How did I get here?"

"You were in a car accident and a coma for a while. Then your heart stopped beating."

"Oh my god. But you said I wasn't dead."

"I did. The doctor was able to bring you back to life son."

"Honestly Dad, I don't think I can go back. After everything that has happened. There isn't a place or purpose for me to be alive anymore."

"That's where you're wrong son. Many people need you, including your family. You are the glue that makes the family stick together."

"For Mom and Dylan I understand, but the family I thought I built with Olivia, not so much. She thought I had an affair with another woman and I had to prove my innocence with her. Then she told me I wasn't Gianna's and Kiara's father and disrespects you and Mom. All I wanted to do was show them how much of a father I wanted to be. Not only for the girls but also for Olivia. I wanted to make you proud Dad."

"You have made me proud son. And yes, Olivia was wrong for what she did, but that's not the Olivia James I know when I've seen her grow from above. She did it out of anger and hate. Her emotions got the best of her, but Olivia does land will always love you, Spencer."

I shake my head and disagree with my Dad. "I want to believe her, I do, but the damage is done and they're better off without me. It's also going to kill me knowing the girls aren't mine."

"Then get the clarity you need Spencer. I want you to listen to me son, when I left you, Dylan, and your Mom, I've regretted it every single day. But my emotions got the best of me because I thought Dylan was not my son and he was conceived during the time your Mom had an affair with Billy. But blood or no blood, Dylan was my son, and your Mom gave me the clarity I needed. He was mine. So what I'm trying to say is, don't make the same mistake that I did son when I questioned Dylan on being my son. Believe it or not, Gianna and Kiara need you as much as you need them."

"But I don't want to leave you, Dad."

"I know, but it's not your time yet Spencer. The rest of the family needs you to come back to them."

I got emotional as I hugged my Dad, not wanting to let go.

"I love you son."

Once I heard my Dad's final words, I was taken back to reality and was able to regain consciousness with Olivia by my side and holding my hand with tears in her eyes.

"Spencer?" Liv said with her and my mom happy to see me alive.
Spencer is alive y'all. Now it's time for Olivia to regain Spencer's love and trust. The big question remains unanswered. Will Spencer be able to forgive Liv for her actions or will Spencer give up on Olivia and end up filing for divorce? Please excuse any mistakes or grammar errors. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

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