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Olivia's P.O.V (TW: Explicit Language)

After hearing Spencer was in the hospital, all I could think about was how much I've regretted how I acted towards him these past couple of weeks.

The truth is, I was insecure and afraid that Spencer was unhappy in this marriage, and would leave me and the girls. But now I know that he wasn't and was taken advantage of this whole time. I didn't believe him, and now everyone from the family is attacking me for the things I said to him.

Coop and I arrived at the hospital and spoke with the nurse at the front desk regarding my husband's status from the car accident. When we made our way to the waiting room, I saw my Mom, Dad, Ms. Grace, D'Angelo, and Dylan sitting in the waiting as they were also waiting for a doctor to talk about Spencer's condition.

"Ms. Grace, how did you get here? Where are the girls?"

"Gianna and Kiara are at Jordan's and Simone's house. I got a call from Coop about my son being in a car accident so I dropped them off and had D'Angelo and Dylan meet me here."

"Do they know about the car accident?"

"No. I didn't want to worry them, but I did tell Jordan and Simone. Jordan should be here shortly and Simone is watching the kids."

"Family of Spencer James!" Doctor Smith called out.

"How is he?" I asked.

"Well here are a few updates."

"Have you ruled out bleeding in his brain?" Ms. Grace asked the doctor.

"We're running a CT scan on that right now."

"What about an MRI regarding any possible broken bones?"

"As soon as the CT scan is complete, we'll test an MRI for that matter."

"Spencer had a concussion a month ago during the NFL season and could this accident have reaggravated any head injuries?"

"Grace that's extremely rare." My dad told her.

"I didn't ask if it was common Billy. And what about his electrolytes Doctor Smith?"

With all due respect, I've heard enough from Ms. Grace, I just want to know if Spencer's ok.

"Doctor Smith, can I please talk to you privately?" I asked him.

"Excuse me?" Ms. Grace got up and questioned me.

"He's trying to give us updates on Spencer, but you won't stop asking him your list of questions."

"Yes, I understand. I'm his mother and I want to know all the possibilities there are in this matter, but you don't cut me off when it comes to my son because you sure as hell don't give a fuck about him Olivia! So why don't you do us all a favor Liv, go home and we'll tell you if anything changes because all the people around you, are people who care about Spencer regardless if he has made any mistakes or not."

"Ok, Grace. You're out of line. Fall back." My Dad tells her.

"No Dad. It's fine. I can handle it."

Grace smirks at me.

"Ms. Grace, let me tell you something. I know I fucked up, but I'm not going anywhere, and yeah, you are his mother, and I respect that, but WIFE trumps PARENT in this situation. Spencer and I are still married despite our issues. And all I want to do right now is get an update from my husband's doctor. Is that ok?"

"Fine. But me and you are not through Olivia." Grace walks away back to her seat next to D'Angelo.

"As I was saying, we're running a CT scan and will do an MRI on Spencer's bones, but he hasn't shown any signs of consciousness. If he's unable to wake up, then we'll have to put him in a coma for the brain to heal. The car accident did a lot of damage to Spencer's body, but there was also something that caught our attention."

"What is it?"

"Did any of you know that he was intoxicated before driving a vehicle?"

"No. The last I spoke with Spencer was at my house and he didn't drink any alcohol, only water. Unless..." Ms. Grace looked at me.

"Why are looking at me, Ms. Grace?" I questioned her.

"Because you've done everything you could to hurt my son, and you're the reason why he got in the car and had alcohol on him. Had you been more mature, my son would not be in a hospital bed fighting for his life."

"Whatever the case may be for Spencer. His blood work showed that he was indeed intoxicated before the car accident."

Tears started falling from my eyes and I was left speechless as all we could do was wait and hope Spencer pulled through.

"We'll let you know if we get an update."

"Thank you, Doctor Smith."

As soon as the doctor left, I completely broke down as if my world had crumpled into pieces.

"Oh no, no, no. Don't do that shit Liv." Ms. Grace walked up to me and was surprised by her response.

"Ms. Grace, what are doing?"

"Don't act like you care."

"I do care Ms. Grace!"

"Then why the fuck is it ok for you to mess with my son's head thinking he is the problem in your marriage, and worse, telling him that he's not Gianna's nor Kiara's father?!?!"

"Ms. Grace I was upset at him and wanted him to feel the pain that I did."

"Well hey, Olivia. Mission accomplished. You got what you wanted, but now Spencer is in more pain than he ever felt. Did you even think about my grandkids?"

"Ms. Grace, I didn't mean for this to impact your family."

"Let me tell you something Liv. Spencer was never like me or his father from the mistakes we both made. The fact that you said it runs in the family was fucked up. If I know my son, he loves you so much that it hurts and he continued to fight for you even when you didn't believe him. So he went out of his way to get help to prove his innocence that he didn't cheat on you with that bitch from the club. Because of the accusations you made and how you've abused Spencer mentally this past month, have caused him to be in a hospital bed fighting for his life. If anything happens to him Olivia, his blood is on your hands and I will never forgive you. I mean it. Matter of fact, you're dead to me."

"Ms.Grace! I'm sorry! Please-" She cuts me off as I was in tears.

"Stay the fuck away from me and my family Olivia. Don't call me if it doesn't have anything to do with the girls. I still want to be a part of their lives, but me and you, this mother-daughter-in-law relationship is gone regardless if you and Spencer are still married or not."

As soon as Ms. Grace left, my family was speechless about what had happened, but from the looks of it, they could see things from Ms. Grace's perspective and I was the one to be at fault.

"Nice going Liv! If anyone should be dead, it's yo ass!" Coop told me without any regrets.

"Fuck you Coop!"
Not my best chapter written. Shit went sideways real quick. Ms. Grace wants nothing to do with Olivia anymore and blames her for everything that happened between her and Spencer. She's just hoping Spencer is alive for everyone's sake. Both families also understand why Ms. Grace felt so upset towards Olivia. Please excuse any mistakes or grammar errors. Let me know your thoughts/predictions for things that could happen moving forward between Spelivia in the comments section.

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