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Spencer's P.O.V

After an amazing Super Bowl win against the Bills, we all celebrated like it was 1999.

Now normally I wouldn't celebrate, but with the persuasion from my teammates and Liv, I decided to go with it. This would be a one-time thing, and come tomorrow, I would be back with my family.

I know I said I would go out and celebrate with the team, but I didn't drink any alcohol, I wanted to be clear-headed when I saw my wife and kids; they don't need to see me all hungover and shitfaced.

From a distance, I could see JJ and some of the fellas dancing on the dance floor. I gotta give it to them, they play hard on the field, but they sure know how to party.

"As I live and breathe, Spencer James is in the house." I see a woman come up to me.

"I'm sorry. Do I know you?" I asked her.

"Spencer, it's me. Rochelle!"

"Oh my God. Rochelle? How long has it been? The last time I saw you was in high school."

"I know. Shame we didn't keep in touch, but you've made a name for yourself."

"I guess you can say I came a long way. But enough about me, what have you been up to Rochelle?"

"I'm a sports journalist for the L.A. Times."

"Wow, for real? I remember back at Beverly you wanted the tea on all of us, then of course there was that meeting with your pops that went sideways."

"Yeah, he was trying to take advantage of you. But he likes to get his hands dirty."

"And you? Have you ever had to get your hands dirty to get what you want at your job?"

"No. Not yet. So far no one has played hard to get." Rochelle winked at me, but I still kept my composure. "So what are you drinking Spence?"

"Um....aren't the guys supposed to buy ladies a drink?"

"Yes, but it's a special occasion. I mean you did win the Super Bowl."

"Okay. I'll do another Diet Coke."

"One Diet Coke coming up." Rochelle waved at the bartender and got her attention.
Rochelle's P.O.V. (TW: Drug Content/Explicit Language)

A Few Minutes Earlier....

"All right Denise you remember the plan right?"

"Yes. And are you sure about this Rochelle?"

"Why the fuck are you questioning me about this? Olivia Baker stole Spencer from me and this is the way to break them apart. When Spencer is out of it because of the roofies in his drink and I lure him to dance with me, I'll kiss him, and that's when you take the pictures from a difference. Then we send the pictures to TMZ, and we'll say he had an affair. When Spencer gets accused of this, Olivia won't be able to trust him and will divorce him, leaving Spencer to me. If this goes well, you'll get your money."

"All right, I'll do it."

"Just wait for my signal and don't screw up like you did last time."

I was looking at Spencer as he was showing he was having a good time. I know this is fucked up, but Olivia stole Spencer from me. When I found out that Layla had broken up with Spencer back in high school, there was my chance to be there for Spencer. We were close to taking things to the next level, but fucking Olivia has to mess things up when Spencer saved her from the drive-by shooting. The aftermath of the shooting led to Spencer and Olivia getting close to each other by them confessing their feelings for each other and eventually becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. Now they're husband and wife and have kids together. That should be me. I should be Spencer's wife, not that junkie. And now everything is going to change, I'm going to make sure of it.

"One Diet Coke coming up." I said to Spencer and signaled to Denise that the plan was on. I see her put roofies in Spencer's drink and add the Diet Coke using the soda gun.

"Here you go, ma'am." Denise said to Rochelle.

"Thank you."

I handed Spencer his drink and by the way he drank it, he was sure thirsty and the roofies are now making their way to his system.

A few minutes went by and I could tell Spencer was out of it. Showtime!

"Hey, Spencer. Why don't we hit the dance floor?"

"All right. Why not? YOLO!"

Me and Spencer were dancing on the dance floor and the crowd was into it.

"All right I see we got the MVP doing him on the dance floor doing his thing."

Then all of a sudden his teammates came in and the plan was stalled for a little bit.

"Rochelle, is that you? What are you doing here?" Jordan asked me.

"Well hello to you too Jordan. I came to congratulate and celebrate with you guys. I saw Spencer first and we just caught up and now here we are." I said to him.

"Well, thanks for bringing our boy to the dance floor. He's been so serious all season and he's loosened up."

"Glad I could help."

SMH; it looks like the plan is stalled for a little bit.

After the dance, me and Spencer went to one of the tables, and with no one in sight, I kissed him with passion as if it was our first kiss.

I saw Denise take the pictures and just in time as Spencer was passed out.

I looked for Jordan and luckily I found him. "Hey, Jordan."

"What's up?"

"I think Spencer isn't feeling good. Maybe you should take him home. Hate for anyone to jump to conclusions and think the worst about Spencer."

"For sure. Good looking out Rochelle."

"Anytime." I see Jordan leave the club and take Spencer home.

"Nice work Denise. You got the photos?"

"Right here."

"You majoring in photography paid off; ain't no way these are fake. The whole world is gonna be shocked and Olivia Baker won't know how much she has coming to her."
Here's another update for Love & War. So Rochelle (The Roach) has come back and is now on a mission to break up Spelivia. Will her plan work? Wonder how this will turn out if word got out that Spencer and Rochelle kissed. Only one way to find out. Stay tuned. Please excuse any mistakes or grammar errors. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

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