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Olivia's P.O.V

These past couple of weeks have been a complete nightmare for me. All of my actions lately have led to me losing my husband's and his family's trust. I acted before thinking when it came to my choice of words.

Ever since Doctor Smith informed us Spencer was in a coma, it broke my heart and I was praying every day for my husband to pull through because I didn't want to continue to do life without him. I came to see him at his bedside every day telling him how sorry I was for not believing him and that my emotions got the best of me which led to me doing something so selfish that broke his heart and him believing that he wasn't the father of our baby girls.

"Spencer, if you can hear me. I want you to know how sorry I am for everything I've done. I should've stuck by your side through the cheating scandal. Instead, I jumped to conclusions and assumed the worst of you. I'm also sorry for making you believe Gianna and Kiara are not yours. I was just so angry that I thought you betrayed me, but I was wrong. And now I lost my mother-in-law because of it. Your mom has meant so much to me since I first met her. Now I've given her reasons for her not to trust me, and I don't blame her. I want to make things right Spencer, just come back to me, come back to our family. We need you."

As I was sitting by his bedside and holding his hand, I saw Ms. Grace come in. I know how much I hurt her and ever since our argument a few weeks in the waiting room, she didn't see me as her daughter-in-law, only the woman who broke her son's heart.

"You know, seeing my son lying down in a hospital bed and you by his bedside these past couple of weeks reminded me of something." She told me.

Tears started falling from my eyes.

"Ms. Grace, I understand how much anger and hate you have towards me, but with all due respect, can you please not insult me?"

"Olivia I said what I had to say at the waiting room. But I didn't come here to insult you, I came here to see my son. And what I was going to tell you is that seeing you here next to my son reminded me of that day when you were hurting after your loss and he didn't leave your side even when you told him that his team needed him to play in the college semi-final game."

"It was a difficult time for both of us Ms. Grace, but I didn't want him to disappoint everyone at GAU for a chance to get to the national championship game."

"But instead, he chose you, Olivia. My son chose you because the woman he loves and wanted to spend the rest of his life with was hurting more than anyone."

I couldn't control my emotions as I broke down even more when the flashback occurred to those events.


"I'm sorry for your loss Ms. Baker." The doctor told me and I broke down in tears on Spencer's chest as he comforted me and he broke down as well.

Losing my child at premature birth was very hard for both of us. I thought I could go through the pregnancy and deliver our baby, but instead, he didn't survive.

The doctor gave us all the time we wanted with our son. Looking at him was very emotional for me and Spencer because we wouldn't be able to see our son grow up.

A few hours later, our son was cremated and we took the urn filled with ashes back home.

The next couple of days were very hard for me, I didn't leave the apartment for the next couple of weeks. All I would do is stay in bed and cry over the loss of my son.

Spencer would always make sure I was ok and was by my side. Even when I told him to leave me alone. He did the opposite. We'd watch dumb movies and TV shows together. He would also make sure that I didn't miss any of my work from my college classes and always make sure I ate something when I was grieving. Like I said, no matter how hard I pushed him away, it only brought him closer to me.

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