1.9 Zenos Unmasked

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Dorian came to a sudden halt at the sound of a scream. Sprinting toward the commotion, he witnessed a man being thrown against a tree. The young man wiped blood from the corner of his mouth and fumbled to locate his blaster.

However, before he could reach it, the alien stomped on the weapon with a crunch. Swallowing hard, the man attempted to rise but ended up falling back against the tree. The alien extended a finger, transforming it into a sharp knife, poised to slit the man's throat. Just then, the alien froze.

Turning around, the alien regarded Dorian with incredulity. He queried, falling to his knees, "How?"

Without a word, the alien collapsed, lifeless. Dorian scattered powder over him, and the alien disintegrated into ashes. Offering a hand to the bewildered candidate, Dorian helped him up.

As the man regained his composure, he accepted Dorian's extended hand. Once on his feet, he glanced at the crushed blaster. Dorian inquired, "Do you have another blaster?"

Shaking his head, the man expressed disbelief. Dorian handed him one of his blasters. Staring at Dorian, the man questioned, "You're giving me your blaster?"

With a calm demeanor, Dorian replied, "I still have both, so you can have one."

Taking the offered blaster, the man said, "Thank you."

Dorian nodded. As he turned to leave, the man couldn't help but ask, "How did you kill the zephirion?"

Dorian took a moment to explain, "The only way to kill a zephirion is to hit them on their right shoulder from the back. Their heart is there, and even a small hit will be fatal. Alternatively, you can cut off their head, or they won't go down."

The man, visibly intrigued, inquired, "How do you know that? I've never heard that before."

Dorian shared, "I've been on missions since I was a kid, accompanying my father. Obsessed with ensuring both of us returned home safe, I read countless reports about all the aliens I could find. After going through enough reports about particular aliens, it becomes easy to deduce how to take them down."

The man felt stunned, realizing his luck in having Dorian present. Without him, interference from the rescue team might have disqualified him.

He knew from watching the show that candidates never assisted each other unless they were in teams. In moments of danger, most would simply pass by, ignoring the plight of others. They seemed to prefer a fellow candidate's loss over jeopardizing their own standing in the competition.

In all honesty, the man hadn't expected Dorian to save him and provide crucial information on how to defeat the zephirion. Dorian's reputation painted him as selfish, rude, and ungrateful, making the unexpected act of assistance all the more surprising.

The galaxy couldn't help but feel a bit sympathetic for Dorian upon hearing his revelation. It became evident that he delved into those reports not for the thrill he had claimed before but out of a genuine concern for his father's safety.

"Thank you for saving my life," the man expressed his gratitude.

Dorian nodded with a small smile. He extended his hand and released spiritual force. The man inquired, "Is there another one?"

Dorian shook his head. "It's a candidate."

A young girl hurried over and embraced the man. They shared a comforting hug, and she asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay, don't worry," he reassured her.

The girl turned her attention to Dorian with a look of disgust. "What are you doing with that thing?"

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