Arc 1 - Interstellar: 1.1 Omega's Shell Symphony

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When Dorian opened his eyes, he found himself being guided by a young man towards an enormous ship. Glancing around, he realized he was in what appeared to be a bustling spaceport.

A lengthy red carpet stretched toward the ship, flanked by barriers where a multitude of people were energetically cheering.

Dorian noticed the cameramen capturing the excitement of those entering the ship. Tired of being pulled, he withdrew his hand, prompting the young man to turn around and express concern, saying, "Are you okay? I'm sure all of this must be overwhelming, but I promise I'll stay by your side the entire time."

Examining the person, Dorian sensed a gentle aura emanating from him. The man's features exuded warmth and kindness, with a face that held classic symmetry and an air of timeless beauty. His captivating green eyes sparkled with empathy, drawing others in with their gentle gaze.

Soft waves of chestnut hair framed his face, cascading with effortless elegance. A genuine and inviting smile illuminated his visage, leaving an impression of kindness and compassion.

In his presence, there was a sense of comfort and reassurance, akin to encountering a familiar friend in a world of fleeting moments.

Despite these positive qualities, Dorian couldn't shake the feeling of deception. He recalled from his memory that this person was Aries. Dorian nodded, and as they resumed walking, his eyes darkened.

He instinctively touched his amulet, triggering a red light that scanned his body. Examining his shell, Dorian's expression shifted to one of horror as he almost felt like vomiting blood.

### Body Scan Specifications:

1. **Age:** 21 years old
2. **Gender:** Male
3. **Biological Profile:**
- Height: 172 cm
- Weight: 160 pounds (72 kg)
- Body Mass Index (BMI): 22.5 kg/m² (within healthy range)
- Body Fat Percentage: 15%
- Muscular Build: Well-defined musculature, indicating regular physical activity and training.

4. **Vital Signs:**
- Heart Rate: 72 beats per minute (resting)
- Blood Pressure: 120/80 mmHg (normal)
- Respiratory Rate: 16 breaths per minute (normal)
- Oxygen Saturation: 98% (normal)

5. **Skeletal System:**
- Bone Density: Optimal for age and gender, indicating good bone health.
- No signs of fractures or abnormalities detected.

6. **Muscular System:**
- Well-developed musculature, particularly in the upper body and core.
- Muscle tone and strength are consistent with regular physical training and exercise.

7. **Respiratory System:**
- Clear lung fields with no signs of respiratory distress or abnormalities.
- Adequate lung capacity and function for age and physical activity level.

8. **Nervous System:**
- Normal neurological function observed.
- Reflexes are intact and symmetrical.
- No signs of sensory deficits or neurological disorders detected.

9. **Spiritual Force (2S):**
- Basic proficiency in harnessing spiritual energies for specific purposes, such as healing, intuition, or emotional influence.
- Requires further training and development to reach higher levels of mastery and control in spiritual force manipulation.

10. **Physical Force (2P):**
- Adept proficiency in physical combat and enhancement techniques.
- Enhanced strength, agility, and combat proficiency compared to average individuals.
- Capable of manipulating physical attributes to superhuman levels with training and focus.

11. **Gender Classification:**
- Omega designation indicates a mid-tier status in the societal hierarchy, possessing moderate spiritual and physical abilities compared to higher-ranking individuals.

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