chapter 15🌶️

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Few hours later

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Few hours later

Most of the Slytherin are drunk out of their minds as I see both of my bother pass out "we can go to mine room now"Theo then tell me as he see all our order siblings pass out "yeah let go"I then tell him as I take he hand as we walk to he dorm room

Smut Waring

As we make up to him room he closes he door and said a spell so it lock after he did that he then smash he lips on mine and I can feel he removed my clothes as I did same we then pull away so we can take our shirt off he the pick me up and place me on he bed.

My hands Roam all over him with as I losing control,I opan my legs and Theo sinks in between them as it was like nothing his cock now at my entrance and I am eager to tilt my hips welcoming him in.

With my moans full the bedroom as he kisses over every inch on my skin from my face to my breasts,his hands Roam down to my nub and he gently circles my nub before traveling slightly lower to where my cum is  coming out of my vagina as he dick side into it.

As he dick come in and out of my vagina few seconds later he come undone as I can feel he feeling me up.

Smut Waring over

Half hour later we finished as I roll over on the side of the bed as he get up and walk into he bathroom few seconds later he came back with a wet cloth to clean me up few minutes later he went back to the bathroom as I got up and say a Spell to charge the sheet of the bed.

As I lay backs down on he queen side bed as I put on my underwear and one of his t-shirt as it cover my hold body down to wear my knee are as he came back to bed and he in he underwear also ashe Lay down and wrap he arm around me.

"hey Evia do want be my girlfriend"he then ask me "yeah sure I would love to" I then tell him as I close my eyes close as I can't keep them open as I pass out few seconds later.

Next morning

As I woke up I look around see I am not in my dorm room I look see I am in a single dorm room I look on my right see Theo sleeping as I look under the blanket see I in he t-shirt and in my underwear.

As I see it 8 am in Saturday morning "I must had to mush of a drink"I then tell myself "good morning my girlfriend"Theo then tell me in he morning voice "oh that right we make thing official last night"as I remember after I had the best sex in my life.

"Good morning Theo"I then tell him as I kiss him before I get out of the bed see my boots on the floor I pick them up "I going to go before Parsy or Bloom knows I didn't sleep in my bed last night"I then tell.

"When would like us to tell everyone we dating"he then ask me as I pick up my dress from the ground also "when I tell my brother today""I then tell him as I see he also got out of bed "before we went to sleep I remove you makeup for you"Theo then tell me.

"Thanks you I will talk to later"I then tell him as I walk out of his room and make my way downstairs and cross the common room to get to the girl dorm room as I make my way to my dorm room I opan the door and close behind me.

As I look around see Parsy and Bloom in still sleep as I grab my clothes from my wardrobe and went to our share bathroom to have a shower as I walk into the bathroom I the lock the door behind me.

I then strip of my clothes from yesterday I then jump into the shower then I put banana shampoo and conditioner in my hair I then grab my watermelon body body scrub I then grab my shaver jump out of the shower I then wrap a towel around my body.

Went to the sink where my clothes are I put on a black bodysuit with a white and purple jacket with white and purple Jordans to go with my outfit I look in the mirror I am happy with my outfit.

(Without candle and jewellery  also the bag)

As I unlock the bathroom door I see Parsy and Bloom just got up "where we're you last night after the party"Bloom then ask me as I got a bag under of my bed to stay with my biological father this weekend

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As I unlock the bathroom door I see Parsy and Bloom just got up "where we're you last night after the party"Bloom then ask me as I got a bag under of my bed to stay with my biological father this weekend.

"I was with Theo"I then tell them as I grab some clothes from my wardrobe "really all night and you bother didn't knows you left"Parsy "no we was waiting till the was pass out on the couch"I told them also.

"Theo ask me to be here girlfriend last night"I told both of them as I grab last few things put into my bag "he man up finally "Bloom then tell me "you can't tell anyone until I tell my brother this weekend"I then tell them.

"We won't"both of them tell me as I grab my bag "I see you guys on Sunday"I then told them as I pick up my ward as I grab it and put in my pocket as I give Bloom a hug which she returns as I walk out  of my share bedroom.

"We won't"both of them tell me as I grab my bag "I see you guys on Sunday"I then told them as I pick up my ward as I grab it and put in my pocket as I give Bloom a hug which she returns as I walk out  of my share bedroom

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Reads: 1.21k

Words: 1005

Published: 2 Murch 2024

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