chapter 4

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End of the day

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End of the day

"I can't believe you are the little sister of Tom and Mattheo and you also adopted" Parsy then tell me "yeah I got two older brother" I then said as I was being sarcastic "I wonder who is you mother" Parsy also told me.

"Yeah I would like to know also" I then tell her "Tom and Mattheo just walk out of the common room they are probably going tell there father I mean out father how they got a little sister" as I then tell myself.

" I going get ready for bed"I then tell Parsy "yeah I am also going get ready also" She then told me.

" I going get ready for bed"I then tell Parsy "yeah I am also going get ready also" She then told me

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Same day/night

Me and Tom just arrived back at the riddle mansion as me and Tom walk into our father office"father we need to tell you something"I then told him "want do you need to tell me"he the ask me.

"There a new kid who look like us the hat put her in Slytherin the hate also told her she is a riddle" Tom then told him "so the girl I had a one night stand with sixteen years ago got pregnant" he then tell us "so that why she got into Slytherin instead Gryffindor" I then tell him.

"Why would she be in Gryffindor" our father then ask us "because her sister I mean adopt sister is in Gryffindor" Tom then tell him "she also Hermione adopted sister" I also told him "I want to meet her" our father then told us.

"Okay we need hand back before people notice us missing"Tom then tell me as we left the riddle mansion.

Few minutes later we just arrived back at Hogwarts we snack in to our dorm room and get ready for bed.

Few minutes later we just arrived back at Hogwarts we snack in to our dorm room and get ready for bed

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Next day

I just woke up as I see Pansy getting ready for today "Evia you finally up"she then tell me as I get out of bed grab my clothes I going wear today and my Slytherin coat as I walk into our share bathroom.

I then went to brush my teeth I then lock the bathroom I also strip of my clothes from last night I then jump into the shower I then put watermelon shampoo and conditioner in my hair.

I then grab my shaver shave where hair always grow after I did that I then grab some avocado body scrub run all over my body
after I finish with that I then turn of the shower wrap a towel around my body.

I then put on a green silk crop top(pretend in green instead of red)I then put on a blank skirt to go with it I the put on my Slytherin coat.

I then unlocked the bathroom door went to my trunk grab pair of black high heeled boots to go with I then grab my wand put on some body mist and I then walk to Pansy "I love you outfit"I then tell her

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I then unlocked the bathroom door went to my trunk grab pair of black high heeled boots to go with I then grab my wand put on some body mist and I then walk to Pansy "I love you outfit"I then tell her.

"I love you too "she then tell me as she walk off to her bed grab her stuff we need for today "ready to go Evia" she then ask me "yes let go" I then told as I grab my stuff and we walk to the great hall.

as i took a sit at the Slytherin i took sit next to my best friend Lydia "so want is this all about "I then ask her "we are getting new student" Lydia then tell me as Dumbledore stand up so he can talk to us "please welcome Allison and Caroline potter" he then tell the school.

"great we need to deal with two more potter "Blaise then tell us as they walk down the hall "i will need tell our father about this" tom then tell us as they just waiting for there name get called so they can sit down at the house the hat tell them.

"i trough our father kill harry mum and dad "Mattheo then ask us  "harry dad must be sleeping around when he was with Lilly" tom then tell us as Dumbledore start called out more name out.

"Welcome max Weasley"he then tell the school"great we have to deal with more Weasley, I through 4 Weasley was already enough"Parsy then tell us as she took a sit front of the sorting hat "Gryffindor"the hat then tell us.

"Welcome max Weasley"he then tell the school"great we have to deal with more Weasley, I through 4 Weasley was already enough"Parsy then tell us as she took a sit front of the sorting hat "Gryffindor"the hat then tell us

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As I was talk to the my sister Dumbledore start talk again as we saw a red hair girl walk down the hall "now let welcome Bloom Malfoy" Dumbledore then told all of us.

"Great a Malfoy let hope she not as bad as her brother is"I then tell my group of friends "how is she related to the Malfoy when they are all blonde and black anyway" Ron then tell all of us "maybe he had to sleep with someone else"Ginny then tell the group.

I then heard the door open again see a blank hair girl wear all black and a red hair girl by the other girls side as the red hair look like she own the place "welcome Lydia and Katherine Parkinson"Dumbledore then tell us.

"Hope they are not a bitch like their sister"Ginny then tell us "they are her sister look how they act and dress"max then tell us as they walk down the hall.

"Hope they are not a bitch like their sister"Ginny then tell us "they are her sister look how they act and dress"max then tell us as they walk down the hall

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Reads: 659


Published" 17 January 2024

The secret riddle sister Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora