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As then there was a party going on in Yokohama at a huge place each organization was invite as Jouno got ready as Fyodor was already dress as Nikolai wanted to go as his normal self but Fyodor force him to get dress as then sigma was ready as bram just stay in his coffen asleep as Jouno then snap his fingers as Nikolai used his ability taking them to the party as they went in as The ada was already there with the guild as Tecchou was there dress fancy sipping his wine as Jouno looked at him but then turn as he walked in and sat down with a glass of wine as he notice Fyodor and Nikolai with sigma playing cards so he decide to join

"Hey let me join" Jouno said as he sat down as they gave him cards as the game started which Fyodor won as Jouno smile and sigh as he stand up and went and sat down and drink his wine since he drank to much he got drunk as Fyodor notice and was about to yell Nikolai to take the, back but Nikolai had already went somewhere else as Fyodor sigh in frustration as he went to Jouno and pick him up as Jouno was to drunk to even walk but Fyodor then got teleport by Nikolai making him drop Jouno as Nikolai smirk he only took Fyodor and not Jouno...


As Tecchou was there sipping his wine as Poe approached him as Poe talked to Tecchou while one of the Ada Members which was Louisa notice Jouno drunk as Louisa went up to him and poke Jouno who was drunk as Louisa knows how many people would have the chance to take advantage of someone this drunk so she rushes and tells the leader of the ADA Tecchou as Tecchou looked at her as he sigh and stand up he walks towards Jouno who was drunk as Tecchou picks up Jouno who was asleep and drunk as Tecchou proceeds to take him to the ADA 

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