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As Tecchou and jouno were in a mission as they walked as Tecchou slice the trees as Jouno got angry "tell me Tecchou why did you cut all of the trees instead of avoiding them?" Jouno asked looking at Tecchou as Tecchou took out a egg with a shell "because the fastest routing to a distance nation is a single straight line" Tecchou said holding the boil egg as Jouno got mad and said "that's how a idiot would think!" Jouno said as Tecchou then spoke "Let's have a meal before we start" Tecchou said as Jouno said "just let you know out of all the hunting dogs I seriously hate you the most" Jouno said "Hate? Why?" Tecchou said "Because your soul is lacking in artistry!" Jouno said 

"You enjoy putting chili on strawberr,  chocolate syrup on beef, sugar on rice because you think matching colors pair well together! And now you're eating a hard boiling egg with the shell on right now! I wish you would just died already!" Jouno said annoyed as Tecchou ate his boiled egg and finish "you completely useless until the enemy comes just stay out my way" Jouno said as he laid in the floor as he head the car speed as he stands up as then TECCHOU get hit by the car

Blah blah and goes on.

As Tecchou used his sword and arrows at the helicopter and managed to go up as Kunikida jump and took Tecchou as Kunikida took a paper and wrote as he got a bomb and shield himself as Tecchou eyes widen as Kunikida then explodes it himself and Tecchou...

As Jouno hears it "Tecchou!" Jouno yells as smoke surrounded the air as Kunikida falls to the ground bleeding but survive.... Jouno could hear his heart beat as Yosano jump off and heals Kunikida but his arms need to heal more so Yosano could heal them back as Jouno rushes to Tecchou as Tecchou laid there Jouno put his hand trying to see if there was a pulse...

There was......None....

Not even breathing....or a heart beat....

"Your..pulse...I can't hear it....?"

Your..pulse...I can't hear it...?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя