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As there was once a young soldier who everyone thought died but had the biggest comeback since the child was only 8 as then the child was injured but kept fighting after he fell to the ground as a fire spread in the war as the boy was surrounded by the fire and mental on top of the young boy everyone thought he died so they pray he would died peacefully and go to heaven but the young boy manage to survive moving the metal off him and jumping over the fire he was alive...

As the after the war ended the boy when missing.... Nobody knows if he's alive of dead as  the boy name was....


as them Fukuchi had taken the boy in......into the hunting dogs seening his strength and useful ability that could be used in the hunting dogs....

Tecchou backstory! Head canons

'Tetcho grew up on the countryside in a more rural part of Japan. He grew up only with his father and an older brother, not knowing anything about his mother. She died after giving birth to him. He didn't mind growing up without a mother because he got along well with his father and older brother. There was a family heirloom, a sword, hung as decoration in his family's house.

Tetcho admired it and he was always drawn to its beauty. His father claimed it once belonged to a great samurai, one if his ancestors, and that if the boys were old enough, he would teach them how to wield it. Both boys learned basic sword fighting and samurai code from their father early on in their lives, preparing them to be good samurai once they grew up. However it all came different.

When Tetcho was 8, there was a fire in the village. It spread furiously, leaving the citizen barely no choice but to flee. While Tetcho's father tried to help the other villagers, his brother convinced Tetcho to come back to their house to take the sword. Climbing on his brother's shoulders, Tetcho reached for the sword and immediately felt like it was meant to be held by him. When they made it out of the house, the fire had already spread, engulfing most of the village. Tetcho's older brother told him to run to safety and that he'd look for their father.

Tetcho did as he was told and ran to safety, but stayed at a reasonable distance to keep an eye on the village. He stayed at the same spot, clutching the sword, watching as the fire burned down the whole village, waiting for his family to come.... but nobody came. The fire killed almost everyone in the village, making Tetcho become an orphan and presumably the last descendant of his village with no place to go.

After the fire had stopped, Tetcho searched the village for his father and brother but nobody was to be found. Helplessly, Tetcho wandered around, hoping to find a place or a person that would help him, going from town to town, from city to city. He had never let go of the sword, promising himself to honor his father and learn how to wield it one day.

That day was when he ran into a 'traveller'. He was wearing humble robes and carried a sword, so Tetcho assumed he was a samurai. He begged the man to teach him, but he refused, saying he is not taking any pupils. Tetcho stayed persistent. He'd follow the man everywhere and would start copying his mannerism trying to learn from him. Eventually, the man caved and agreed to training him. If you haven't guessed it yet, that man was Fukuzawa Yukichi.

When Fukuzawa was not on a job he had trained Tetcho or gave him tasks to complete. Tetcho had trained 2 overall years under Fukuzawa, honing his skill as a swordsman and samurai as well as discovering his ability and training said ability with Fukuzawa. After those two years, when Tetcho turned ten, they ran into one of Fukuzawa's old friends, . He saw the potential in Tetcho and asked Fukuzawa why he had changed his mind on not taking a pupil. When Fukuzawa explained that Tetcho wasn't leaving him alone so he might as well teach him, Fukuchi offered to take the boy in instead. (For time reference, Fukuzawa took in Ranpo and founded the ADA 2 years later)

Fukuzawa agreed, leaving Tetcho in Fukuchi's care as he didn't want to teach Tetcho in the first place. What neither of them knew was that Fukuchi was planning to recruit him for the Hunting Dogs project. Since Tetcho was a very obedient young boy, he did as he was told, thanking his master for his time and patience. The Hunting Dogs project had been a work in progress at the time, making Fukuchi and Teruko the only successful attempts of super humans.

While being under Fukuchi's care, Tetcho has also trained under him. At age 14, the first attempts of enhancing Tetcho's body through the Hunting Dogs surgery were made. When he suffered not a single side effect, the doctors were curious of how far they could go to enhance Tetcho over the years, which lead to (9 years later) the Tetcho we know and love. The strongest of the Hunting Dogs.'

As then since then Fukuchi had treated Tecchou good since Tecchou was very good and always listen Fukuchi knew how loyal Tecchou was sometimes fukuchi would treated him like a pet which Jouno didn't much liked 

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