"What, what are you saying?" Old Master Xia's face showed utter astonishment, as he suddenly realized that what had happened was completely different from what he had believed to be the truth.

Back in the day, although Old Master Xia was adept in business, he was utterly indecisive in matters of the heart. Deciding to part ways with his childhood sweetheart, she, devastated by the event, drowned her sorrows in a bar and ended up sleeping with someone, waking up with no memory of the affair, and later discovered she was pregnant.

Old Master Xia believed that it was all his fault and, in an attempt to preserve her reputation, claimed responsibility for the pregnancy. He had planned to explain everything to his wife later, but before he could, she took her own life in their home, leaving him wracked with guilt ever since.

He had only wished to see his wife's spirit one last time before he died, only to find out that the ghost that had been haunting him all along was his childhood sweetheart.

Gu Wuji was also shocked by this revelation; after all, he had merely intended to observe a female ghost's memories and had stumbled upon such explosive information... That female ghost had really gone all out in her revenge against Old Master Xia.

In her memories, the female ghost had spoken to a man with a blurred face. Gu Wuji noticed then that this man gave him the same vibe as the ghost he had seen in the bar's TV.

Decades have spanned, yet this man still exists; he might not even be human," Gu Wuji pondered in silence, "Could he also be a high-tier player? But could a high-tier player live for so long?"

After that, the female ghost used a special method to nurture spirits within her body, and attacked Mr. Xia's wife, seizing the opportunity to possess her. That very night, she drove the latter to suicide.

Everyone naturally assumed the wife had killed herself due to being unable to withstand the shock...

As for the female ghost's sudden death on her wedding night, it was because the spirit could no longer be contained within her body and eventually turned against its host.

One can only imagine how tragic the female ghost's death must have been, and wonder how much of an impact it had on Mr. Xia at the time. That he hasn't developed psychological scars is a testament to his strong mental fortitude.

The female ghost's spirit, unwilling to let go, lingered in the villa, eventually sealed within a portrait until it was released today due to certain circumstances.

"Using someone else's body to nurture a ghost, creating tragedy only to collect the spirit later. His attitude is as if he's watching a play, from the beginning he didn't have to do it this way, but did so because he found it amusing..." Gu Wuji frowned, feeling a sense of disgust towards the man, despite being someone who usually takes life as it comes.

The others were stunned by the truth.

After the female ghost gleefully revealed everything, she turned to Mr. Xia with a sneer, "You wished to die alongside that woman, didn't you? But let me tell you, don't even think about it. Now, you'll only die by my hands!"

As her words fell, the female ghost transformed into an inhuman shape, her body twisted, covered in blood, with ghastly wounds all over, lunging directly at the people in front of her.

Several masters had already prepared to act in secret while listening to her speak earlier. Now, they summoned various talisman papers, but couldn't even get close to the ghost woman.

At this critical moment, Gu Wujì suddenly produced a rope, managing to restrain the ghost woman who was only an arm's length away. However, the rope's quality was too poor, showing signs of disintegration in just a short moment.

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