Ama slept well that night. Her dreams were laced with a handsome British man. When she woke to her alarm, she was disappointed that her dreams were only dreams.

She fell back against her large white pillows with a discontented sigh. Ama knew she had some work to do with Harry if she was to get the summer romance she was craving. Something she had said last night had Harry taking a step back, and that didn't sit well with her.

The shrill alarm began to sound again in the large room. Her hand switched off the alarm, and she pulled herself out of the bed with a groan. Now that summer was really kicking in, Ama wanted to just relax and do the touch of work.

For the past few years, she had been working on an American work schedule. Everything had been about work and that was working for her. But every summer had been a slight struggle. She had intended to switch back to the European work schedule at some point, but had figured she would establish that in her thirties.

After her dreams last night, she was wondering if she should try it earlier than planned. Impulsivity had been something that had run her life when she was younger, and she'd fought against it every day since she had made a name for herself.

A certain British man had her wanting to fall back into her roots. She wanted to be impulsive. A part of her even wanted to fall in love again. It wasn't something Ama was going to let follow through, but the idea of it was nice.

If she was going to change her plans last minute and enjoy being a European on summer, she had to convince Harry to join her. He needed to keep her company along with Alicia to make everything worth the while. Perhaps she would even run into Daniel this year.

Ama second guessed herself on what to wear on the boat. She wanted to be comfortable, enticing without compromising her class. Not that Harry would care. She chose her favourite red swimsuit, knowing that it complimented her figure well.

As they may spend a short while on the shore, Ama covered up with a white beach dress. She was content with her decision, and left before she could convince herself otherwise.

Her phone buzzed in her hand as she was walking down the stairs. Bianca had cancelled on her last night, having something come up that took her out of commission for the next few days.

It was Harry.

'Hi Harry. Not cancelling on me are you?' Ama asked before he could say anything.

'Never.' Harry chuckled. 'My sister is insisting on coming on the boat when mum mentioned it. She flew in the other morning and won't get off the boat.'

'That's fine. I can bring Alicia.' Ama offered, thinking it was a perfect solution.

'Great. I was hoping you'd say that.'

'See you shortly Harry.' Ama hung up on him, before knocking on Alicia's door.

Alicia grunted from inside, still curled up under the white sheets. Ama entered the room anyway, peeling the sheet away from her sister's face.

'Alicia.' She said.

'Go away.' Alicia grumbled.

'Get up.' Ama didn't ask if she wanted to come, knowing Alicia would enjoy herself. 'Put on a swimsuit, and a dress. We are going out on a boat in 10 minutes.'

'That's not enough warning. Go without me.' Alicia tried to grab the sheet back.

'No.' Ama opened all the curtains in the room, and starting ruffling through the drawers. 'Pink or Green?' She asked.

Loving AmaliaWhere stories live. Discover now