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Ama Anderson smiled to herself as she settled into the luxurious seat in business class. Summers were a blessing. It was just around the corner but Ama was intending to start her summer early.

Work followed Ama around. Or rather, Ama followed where the work would be. In summer, it was in coastal towns where the fat wallets were. In Winter, it was in London itself. This winter she intended to venture to Dubai, and see if her luck would follow.

There were a few familiar faces up near Ama, and she made sure to note those who could be interested in her services. She'd found a few things for one or two faces before, but hadn't directly been in touch.

That was the way she liked to do business. She didn't want too many people knowing who she was, or what she did. It could hurt the business. Endanger it even.

One face was new to her. It wouldn't surprise her normally, but there was something about the man. It was almost drawing her in, a magnet for her curiosity.

'Ladies and Gentlemen...' The flight crew began their spiel for safety in chance of the plane going down. Ama had been on many of these flights before and knew the route by hand.

She had been summering in Málaga since she was a little girl. It used to be the whole family, but the tradition hadn't been treasured. Ama's parents stayed in a house in Italy, Daniel liked Ibiza or sometimes chose to be in Greece, and Alicia stayed home in London.

'Here you go ma'am.'

Ama took a small sip of the drink the attendant had just made for her, savouring the taste of summer on her tongue.

'Starting summer already?' A smooth voice captured Ama's attention.

She turned away from the window, smiling at the man who piqued her curiosity earlier. He was watching her with a grin, a glass of whiskey in his own hand.

'It's only a few days away and we are already heading to Spain.' Ama shrugged. Their glasses clinked quietly as they murmured cheers with a small sip.

'I thought summer meant fancy cocktails with those little garnishes.' He glanced at her glass, only seeing a few sprigs of mint accessorizing the liquid and ice.

'This was a drink often enjoyed by Ernest Hemingway, did you know?' Ama took another slow sip. 'It's the perfect way to start summer. Those little garnishes can wait.'

He chuckled. 'That's something. Tell me, do you only drink a drink if someone famous liked it?'

'No.' Ama shook her head, not elaborating on the fact.

Silence lapsed between them for a half hour. Ama read the book she had been meaning to read for 7 months. He tried to watch the movie in front of him but wanted to talk to the black-haired beauty beside him.

'I'm Harry Winstone.'

'Hi Harry.' Ama glanced back at the book on her lap, debating if she wanted to read or talk. 'I'm Ama.'

'That's an uncommon name.' Harry commented, leaning closer to Ama, a twinkle in his green eyes.

'Harry isn't.' She winked.

'Thank my parents for that one.' Harry had a dry laugh. It wasn't the first time sometime told him that.

'What brings you to Málaga Harry?' Ama tucked the book under her thigh. She would get to that tonight.

'Retrieving something for my mother. Can't trust anyone else to do it. Legally.' Harry flicked through his phone to find a picture of a vase his mother wanted.

Loving AmaliaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora