Angry Duo

590 21 16


RM, SCoups, Saerom, and (53) Others

Chaewon: Okay, I have booked a couple days off for us. We are good to go for March!

SCoups: awesome! We are good to go as well! @Saerom @Soobin @Minji @Jungwon are your groups free for that week??

Jungwon: still waiting for a response back

Soobin: same

Saerom: not like we are that busy anyways so Fromis9 is very likely to join you all

Minji: aahhh I just got a text! NewJeans all good!

SCoup: sweet! 😁

Chaewon: this camping trip is going to be so much fun!

Chaeyoung: Team 2Chae! And im putting a trademark on that label

Jiheon: I think certain other "Chaes" are gonna have a problem with that lol

Chaeyoung: uuunniieee!! Jiheon is a brat!

Saerom: you all are 🙄

Jiheon: i am not!

Chaeyoung: hey!!!


DK: im already packed so lets do this, people!!!

Haerin: literally have a month....

Jun: you can't be too prepared tbf

Haerin: that's true true

Beomgyu: idk why its taking this long for our manager to get back to us. Its not like we are THAT busy next month

Heesung: you do realize that you probably jinx yourself??

Beomgyu: ....crap, my bad everyone

Saerom: language! There are children!

Hyein: yeah! Watch your crapping language!

Danielle: Lee Hyein! 😳

Minji: excuse me??

Hanni: now look at what you all done

Jiwon: some of us weren't even talking!

Eunchae: but you exist and are active here therefore you all are guilty

Chaewon: Hong Eunchae! That was pretty rude

Eunchae: but it's fine if Seungkwan-sunbaenim gets mad and starts spitting?!

Seungkwan: why am I getting dragged into this?!

Chaewon: because you are one of the loudest and get angry easily!

Seungkwan: and that's coming from you?

Chaewon: what's that supposed to mean?

Minji: 👀👀

Seungkwan: does 'morning Chaewon' ring any bells? Literally the whole kpop industry knows it

Chaewon: at least I'm more funnier without trying. You on the other hand are more annoying

Seungkwan:. Majority of your comedy involves Yena! What happens if she wasn't around for hyemileeyechaepa?

Jisun: uummm should we do something??

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