I'm lonely (Part 1)

598 21 2

RM, SCoups, Saerom, and (53) Others

Eunchae logged in

Eunchae: hello?

Suga: hello

Eunchae: oh! Suga-sunbaenim! Why are you up this late?

Suga: I was about to ask the same thing. How come you're up?

Suga: also, you can drop the formalities, Eunchae. It's alright.

Eunchae: oh okay...

Suga: so how come you're up so late at this hour? Your team will be having a lot of shows soon. Speaking from experience, it's not a great idea staying up cause it'll turn into a habit.

Eunchae: I just couldn't sleep. One of those nights lol

Suga: uh huh

Suga: if it's alright with you, we can chat privately away from this chatroom.

Suga: I think we're going to get a couple grumpy sleepers from the notifications

Eunchae: uummm sure!

Private Messages

Suga: alright

Suga: if you're comfortable with sharing, can you tell me why you're really up this late?

Eunchae: uummm....

Suga: it's okay if you don't want to. We can talk about other things to take whatever is on your mind off

Eunchae: uummmm.... can you tell me your reason??

Suga: ah. Well, I'm sure you've heard about my recent news by any chance?

Eunchae: oooohhh ☹️

Suga: yeah, I've just been doing a lot of preparations and wrapping up projects. Honestly lost track of time tonight.

Eunchae: are you nervous about it?

Suga: not really. Time flies by quickly and I know ARMYs will be as excited as us when we all return to group activities.

Eunchae: my unnies will be really excited! 😁

Suga: and you won't be??😐

Eunchae: I meant my unnies and I! That's what I meant!

Suga: I'm just teasing you

Eunchae: 😂 hahaha

Eunchae: Suga-sunbaenim?

Suga: yes?

Eunchae: have you ever felt lonely even though you have your members?

Eunchae: Like even through you love them a lot and you wouldn't have it any other way, you just feel..... like there's this emptiness that is just there but you don't know why??

Suga: well..... I can't exactly say I really have to my memory. Sorry if I'm not much help right now

Eunchae: it's okay :) I really appreciate you trying

Suga: actually, have you talked with your members about what you've been feeling?

Eunchae: Uummm not really. I don't really know how to approach it. And when I want to, I back out and just say it's nothing.

Suga: You don't really have to tell them the reason why.

Suga: sometimes it's more than enough for them to be your comfort and support when you need it. I only met some of your members for the challenges but I can feel that trust and love you have for one another.

Suga: try not to stress too much over how to tell them. Just let it happen naturally and when you're comfortable enough to tell them, be honest.

Eunchae: thank you, sunbaenim 🥹

Suga: anytime 👍

Suga: you guys can always approach us if you need a chat or anything. We're not that scary really

Eunchae: oh! I never thought you were! Besides, you guys were so nice to us.

Suga: no reason not to be. HYBE family gotta stick together

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