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Kitty carried me home while occasionally tickling my side to try keeping me awake though I suppose it didn't work because I fell asleep to the gentle rocking motion of him walking home. I woke up we were all in my room or more of Bluey, Kitty, and I. They were talking and I could hear Mari in the other room so. I was still being rocked as if me were walking but I had a blanket around me. Unconsciously I snuggled closer hearing chuckles from around me I buried my face in his neck. "Thank you Kitty. I'm sorry I fell asleep on you."

He blushes but smiles while rocking still. "So Sunshine ready to know what was going on earlier?" I nod as I cuddle more in to him smelling his cologne. "So there is this Villain well bad guy, his name is Hawkmoth he makes the butterflies called Akumas. They can make good or well normal people have powers and do bad things. Mari, Bluey, and I have others that help us to fight these people. We have two other main people that help us. Their hero names are Rena Rouge and Carapace. It used to be just me an Mari against these people, but we realized we can have others help fighting. We went to our friends however at the time we didn't know we had the same friends that we trusted." He stopped for a moment to breath. "I found out Mari was Bug on accident last year, I was on my way home from patrol and saw her jump on to the balcony changing form Bug to Mari. Feeling both stupid and bad for both now knowing and, not realizing that she was Bug before then. We had promised not to know who is who, so I had to tell her that I knew.

" I didn't want to follow her that night because I didn't wanna seem like a creep. I mean I know Mari so logically I knew that she wouldn't think that but still. However once I got home though I messaged her as Adrien saying 'Hey soo this is probably awkward but I know you are bug M'lady. After patrol tonight I was heading home and well I saw you change back sorry C.N.' I knew she had my number so I didn't think that she would miss the fact that I had typed it but nope I was wrong. The next patrol she was asking me how I knew Adrien." He chuckles as Bluey completely laughs loudly. "Lu you know this part why does it make you laugh so hard? Anyway I finished patrol and met back up with here on the tower at the top. Higher than we had ever been to that day and I changed into myself. Lets just say her reaction was priceless. She then hit the back of my head for all the times I scared her during some of the battles I faked getting taken so I could fight. Beyond that we have kept doing the same thing since this has been going on since our freshmen year?" He says looking at Bluey, who is nodding.

"The others I hope you never have to meet Bubbles. However maybe Carapace and Rena might wanna show her both sides? I will ask them later, but the reason I hope you never have to meet the others is because they are only if we can't do it without their help and so they head straight into the field to help. Kitty it's time for bubbles medicine you gotta put her down now. Bubbles if you want to go get your cup of water we will get the medicine ready and the book to log everything. Deal?" Luka says.

I quickly nod wiggling to get out of Kitty's grip once he lets go I quickly walk out. Quickly running into the kitchen I grab a spill proof cup filling it as fast as I can with cold water. I sprint back up towards my room stopping short when I hear the voices on the other side talking. "She sure is perfect, and definitely the cutest thing ever! We really need to invite her! Don't you agree Hun?" Oh they are together and I was on Kit- Adriens lap, I blush hard. I'm definitely in the way of their alone time.

After a moment I decide to turn around and knock on Mari's door I think shes in there talking to Tikki. I slowly open her door, "Mari I need you to come watch me take my medicine please? I know the guys are in there but I need them to leave I don't want to offend them though... HELP!" I scream as quietly as I can. "I can't take them in front of them today please come up with something so it won't make them mad. Please MarMar! (a/n pronounced Mare Mare)" I beg to her in nearly tears.

She nods standing up, "okay Teddy let's go." we walk out of her room back to my room. "Hey guys please forgive me I know we said we could have dinner together but I realized that I really need a cousins night please. Would you mind if we rain check dinner? I just haven't seen her in forever and I've really missed having her around. Not to mention Mom and Dad called saying that they won't be here till late, and so she will probably go to bed nearly right after she takes her medicine." She says with the biggest pout I think I have ever seen.

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