First Day Of School

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"Sam sweetie it's time to get up for school." I hear my Aunt saying softly while she rubs my back.

"Do I have to go? I'm scared Auntie. What if the bully me? What if they make fun of me? What if I regress? Or what if I have an attack and I can't get to my meds?" I rant quickly covering up with blankets trying to disappear.

"Sam I have taken care of most of these problems ok all of your classes has at least one of the group that came over last night that way some one will always be with you. Not to mention you parent sat them all down last night and explained what too look for with attacks as well as regression. They volunteered  to each carry a set of emergency meds with them. They also all volunteered to carry a stuffy for you ok and so all you technically have to take is a pace if you want one." My Aunt explained to me as she was walking around, my room picking out my clothes for me.

My Aunt decided I should be both comfortable and cute in one of my purple tank top dresses, black sweater, black capri leggings, with my laced ballet flats. She steps into the doorway "Mari you need to get up no otherwise you and your cousin will be late for her first day at school!" she yells, turning around she smiles at me and walks over to help me put my hair up in space buns. "There two perfect little bear ears for my sweet Teddy." she says while kissing my cheek followed by blowing a raspberry on my cheek. I can't help but giggle. I have always missed being able to spend time with my Aunt and Uncle because we lived so far away.

Mari came bursting into my room with two bags her pink bag as usual but she also had a bag that I'm guessing is mine because it is Stitch. They watch me take my medicine. I turn to them opening my mouth and lifting my tongue. We then head downstairs to see Alya sitting in the living room. "Hey Alya!" Mari says. "So are the guys going to meet us here or are we meeting them at school?" she shrugged while staring at her phone.

Just my luck while they were having the conversation I started to slip in to the regression. I noticed while eating why they thought waffles with chocolate syrup and whip cream was a good idea I don't know but oops. I guess they did realize because I saw them putting spill proof bottles in my bag as well as their own and taking extra. I thought Auntie was just saying that to make me feel better but I guess not. I think smiling happy I have people that care about me. Aunt Sabine comes back into the kitchen, "Come on sweetie its time to leave for school do you have your pace?" watching me for a nod.

We leave and start walking to school I don't pay attention to what they are talking about. Zoning out I don't realize that we made it until I randomly feel a hand rubbing my head between my buns. I giggle pushing the hand away and turning around only to see the black and blue hair boy. I giggle louder and run up to him quickly hugging him before pulling away to hide behind Mari embarrassed.

"OOOpsies. Sowwy Bluey. Mari can we go office pwease." I say shyly. I start walking away into the building as Bluey catches up to me and just lets me walk to where ever I want, walking beside me.

  "Sam the office is upstairs come on kiddo I'll take you. Mari went to talk to Adrien and Nino." As he is talking I realize I wasn't so shy he seems really nice. "Sam here it is you kinda zoned out so I went in to the office and got your paperwork. First hour is homeroom, come on I will walk you to where that is and you share it with the rest of the group and my little sister. You have me in the classes after lunch ok? I will walk with you to them as well." I nod blushing worrying that I'm being a bother. " Don't start thinking that you are a bother I can see it on you face little girl we do this because we want to no other reason. cross my heart." Hearing that makes me a little happy.

Once we get to the classroom we both started looking for Mari. "Sam here we are this is your home room class. Hey Adrien come here please?!?!?" I see the blonde guy walking up to us. "Sam this is Adrien he will stay with you until Mari gets back from doing whatever she may be doing. ok?" I just nod and walk over to the blonde guy. Bluey smiles and walks up to Adrien whispering something in his ear then he rubs my head again. He walks off to class with a smile and a wave.

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