Moving Day

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"Sam time to wake up! We gotta go so we can get to your cousins in time!" My Mom yells up to my room. I slowly start to get up to get ready. Hmmmmm what to wear, what to wear I think looking into my closet. I grab a black tank top and some black shorts may as well be comfy. I start to undress when my phone starts to ring.

"Hey Mari!" I yell, "sorry you cant see me right now I'm not dressed and don't want anyone to see anything on accident."

"It's okay Sam it's good that you didn't stand in front of the camera because I do have some friends looking at my phone with me!" She Laughs. "When are you leaving and don't forget your medicine this time! Especially since your moving in while your Mom and Dad have to travel for work."

"Mari! I don't wanna talk about meds around others please... I just... Pwease I promise I'll Members them. Look I take one dose right now see." I step into frame dropping pills into my mouth grabbing my water cup and swallow them just to open my mouth at the camera and lift my tongue so she can see. "See?"

"Good Girl!" Mari says "well School starts soon Sam but before we hang up this is Alya" She says pointing a a pretty girl with pretty brown hair and glasses. "Nino" she says pointing at a guy with a baseball hat on and headphones around his neck. "Adrien" she points to a blonde boy with pretty green eyes. "And lastly Luka" she points to a boy with black and pretty blue died hair with pretty blue eyes.

I just keep giggling "Mari you knows yous gonna have to do this again in person rights? The meds I just took I won't members any of the names I sowwie guys." While looking away embarrassed I'm glad this is to help my brain but I sound like an idiot.

They all laugh and yell "BYE!!!!!" the next moment the screen is black I guess the bell rang for class. I finish packing up my medicine. Lets see I have my phone, laptop, medicine, chargers, stuffies. I think that is everything I would need. I mean I'm moving in with my Aunt and Uncle not to the Jungle. However I wish I wasn't the reason Mom and Dad have to travel for work I know they don't like the idea, but I broke them and they don't have a choice.

"Sam let's go Hun." Mom says coming into my room to help me bring down some of the bags I have packed. I start to follow her down the stairs looking around my beautiful black and purple room. I hope Aunt Sabine and Uncle Tom will let me have Stitch in my room. Sighing I continue walking down the stairs until I realize I forgot my purse with my emergency pills in it.

"Mom I forgot my purse I will be right back!" I don't wait for her response I run back up the stairs to grab my Stitch shaped purse. I quickly make my way back down to the car so we can leave. I don't feel like talking so I put in my headphones and turn on the noise canceling setting. I open Spotify and turn on my R.A.B.S. playlist.

I must have fallen asleep on the way because mom is gently shaking me awake. "Sam hun it's time to wake back up we are here." Man that was the fastest 5 hour car trip ever. I just nod my head showing that I heard her and will get up. I've always been grateful for my parents knowing that even when I can't talk like now I will show them I heard them and that they don't take out my headphones if they don't have to. Mom only turned off the noise cancelling so that I could hear her through the music. I get out of the car and start walking up to the bakery door and stop to wait for Mom and Dad.

Mom puts her hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry Sam your Aunt and Uncle are great people and are the best family I could ask for. They helped raise me you know." She bumps me a little to make me smile. We walk in the door and no sooner the door shut am I trapped in a hug the quickness scared me some causing me to squeak. Then I relaxed quickly and return the hug. "Sabine, Tom Careful you'll kill her like that!" Mom says jokingly, "also She is currently isn't speaking so later she may be a little louder than necessary!" she jokingly got louder during the warning to make me giggle knowing that it would work.

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