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Trigger Warning: This chapter is hard...

Skylers POV:

I wake up to breakfast. But Azzi cooked it so I don't think I'm going to try it, that girl can't even make a bowl of cereal.

"Thanks Azzi, But I think I'm good." 

"Suit yourself. Paige!! Food!!!!"

"No thank you, I choose life" The blonde yells back from her room. 

"She hasn't eaten in a whole day; can you see if you can help?" Azzi asks.

"Yeah, what's her favorite food?"

Azzi tells me and i go pick it up. 

I get back and knock on her door, knowing I'm walking in wether she says yes or no.

"Leave me alone" She yells.

I open the door anyways, "Sorry P, that isn't an option" I say as I walk in.

she doesn't say a word, just stares at me. 

"I brought your favorite food." 

"I'm good, Azzi will eat it though."

"Paige you have to eat." 

"I don't have to do shit. Don't you have a girlfriend to bother?" She replies.

Azzi walks in just to hear that part, and she starts to walk into Paiges room.

"You know what, Fuck you." i say, as I storm out, trying to keep the tears in.

"Good one asshat" Azzi says.

I once again, go to the only place I can think to go. The softball fields. 

I'm hitting the tee when I hear someone behind me.

"Can you teach me to hit?"

I turn and see the one person I don't want to see.

"No, go away." I say. 

"You didn't listen to me, so I'm not going to listen to you" She says as she hobbles over to me. 

"Paige, I'm serious. Leave me the fuck alone."

"I didn't know. I'm sorry. I'm always saying that to you." Paige says, holding her head down. 

"Didn't know what? That me and Saylor broke up over you? Or that she abused me? or that she cheated on me with Addie? Or did you not know that I was raped by the man Addie was kissing at your game? Which part did you not know Paige?" I say with tears in my eyes, not wanting them to fall. 

"I didn't know any of that."

"Yeah, Cause you do not fucking know me Bueckers. So stop acting like you do."

"You're name is Skyler alexandra Moore. You're favorite color is purple. You have night terrors sometimes. Family is the most important thing to you. You touch the tattoo on your hand when you're nervous cause it's your moms handwriting. Your favorite food is Anything not made by Azzi."

That last part made me laugh.

"But its actually pizza." She adds.

"I know you. I may not know the battles you do not voice, but I know you."

Me and Paige are standing right in front of each other, so close that our breath is the only thing keeping us warm in this cold Connecticut weather. 

Paige puts her hand on my chin and pulls my face up. "And now All I want to do is kiss you". She replies.

"I'm Okay with that." I reply. 

And then she puts her lips to mine. It lit a campfire inside me, suddenly I was so warm. I put my arms around her waist, trying to keep her upright. She pulls me in and just holds me.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't there. I'm here now Sky, as long as you want me to be."

"Of course I want you to be here Paige. Please don't leave." I reply, holding onto the girl I've been wanting for months. 

A.N: I loved making this chapter. I also have a Nika book I am working on that I'm having loads of fun with. Please comment and Vote!! I'm thinking of making a Georgia Amoore book as well as either a Caitlin Clark or Kate Martin book, so let me know which one. Until next time, S.S

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