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Paige's pov:

Skyler's words rang throughout my head all night. What was she talking about? I have to find out.

I tossed and turned. My watch said I only got 5 hours of sleep, I think I got less. Two things were on my mind.

1. I'm out for the season. I have no idea what I'm going to do

2. Skyler. Always Skyler.

It's 5am. I decide I'm not getting any more sleep. I roll out of bed and grab my crutches to head to the kitchen. I have an appointment today at 9 to decide when my surgery is. I'm super nervous.
Looking around our apartment, it's almost impossible to find food. So I decide to just sit on the couch and watch tiktok. I'll grab something on the way to the appointment.

TikTok is not my friend right now. All I'm seeing are TikTok's about how I'm not doing the one thing that helps.

I tossed my phone in frustration. And decide I'm just going to lay here.

At some point, I drifted off to sleep.

"Paige, it's time to wake up" Azzi said. Shes the one taking me since we no longer let Nika drive. Homie almost hit a dog last time. But if you ask her she'll say the same thing. "The dog hit me". Sure it did Nik.

We all get ready and head to the appointment, stopping for chick-fil-a of course.

Skyler's pov:

I just got done with a lift, back and Bi's. It was a good day.

As I walk out into the gym I see her. Paige. Trying to shoot with her crutches. I feel so bad.

"Fuck!!!" She missed again. She yelled in frustration.

"Paige you're going to hurt yourself" I say. "Act like you care" she replies, coldly.

"Who said I didn't?" I reply.

I start walking towards the court, just trying to get her to calm down.

"Sit down Paige, you're not going to help"

Our bodies are inches apart, and all of a sudden, all that coldness melted. And she starts crying. Paige Madison Bueckers is crying.

"They can't get me in for surgery for another month. So it's going to be a longer recovery time" she says, sniffling.

"I'm sorry P." I reply.
I put my arms around her, and hug her. Not only to help, but to take some pressure off her crutches. I know it's hurting.

"I'm sorry Sky. I'm so so sorry."

"It's okay Paige." I say

"What did you mean last night" she replies.

"Maybe if you hadn't been flirting with that cheerleader, we would be together".

"I only started liking her like that because you blew me off" she says.

Oh shit. It was a misunderstanding.

Before I can say anything, here comes Saylor.

Oh shit. Saylor is my girlfriend.

"What Bueckers, you want to blame me for something else? Leave my girlfriend alone" Saylor says.

"I'm sorry Saylor, I'm sorry I blamed you" Paige replies.

"Yeah, you fuckin better be" Saylor responds.

Wtf. Why is she being such a dick.

Before I can say another word, Saylor grabs my arm, pulling me away.

"Ow Saylor, that fucking hurts." I respond.

"I don't want you talking to Paige anymore, or we're done" Saylor says.

Just then, said blonde hops by us on crutches, the look on her face confirming she heard what Saylor said.

God how did this get into such a mess.

I'm stoked. Today's been bad, I got hit on the way to work and my cars all ugly now. But I get to see bae play the 25th!! I'm stoked. I'll post photos!!
Until next time


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