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Paige's POV:

It's been three weeks since I've gotten Addies Phone number, We've texted non-stop and even Facetimed a few times. She's so easy to get along with, but something is missing.

Skyler hasn't talked to me since that day. I still have no idea what I did. Every time I see her, she ignores me and acts like I'm not even there. It honestly hurts, but why do I care so much. I'm taking Addie on a date tonight. 

I'm taking her to the Trophy Room, it's supposed to be really good. 

I'm nervous.

Skyler's POV:
"Come on Sky, we're going to eat at the Trophy Room" I hear Saylor yell from her room. "Coming:" I replied.  I've been acting like Paige doesn't exist since I saw her with that girl. I mean how was she supposed to know I have feelings for her? It's not her fault. I mean it is, but it isn't at the same time. Oh well, I have to get out of my head.

The ride there is full of me and Saylor singing Taylor Swift songs. Without Saylor, I'd probably go crazy.  She's kept me sane through this whole thing.

"What are you going to get?" Saylor asks me.  That's the easiest question ever. "The chicken tenders" we say at the same time, falling into a pit of laughter. She knows me so good it scary. I hear a voice I know all too well, Paige Bueckers. 

Paige's POV:

"What are you getting Addie?" I question. "The nachos, what about you" She replies. "I'm getting the chicken tenders" I reply. "You eat like a little kid" She says. "It's not my fault I'm so picky" I say in defense. I start to look around the restaurant, and I see Skyler, with Saylor. She's laughing like a little kid. She never did that with me. Whatever, I don't even care, I'm with Addie. We eat in comfortable silence, until I see Addie get up.

Addie's POV: I see This chick eyeing Paige from across the restaurant. Oh no she doesn't, She needs to quit Eyeing MY Paige.

"I have to go to the restroom" I say. Paige doesn't question it, obviously. I get up and walk over to their table, "Accidently" knocking over the girls drink, all over her:)

Skyler's POV:
I get up and shriek as cold water is thrown all over my white T-shirt. I look up and it's the girl Paige is here with. "oops, sorry" she replies, a smile across her face.  "What the hell" Saylor says as I stand up. "What's going on" Paige says as she runs over. "Your girlfriend just dumped my water all over me." I reply. Paige's face twists. "It was probably an accident" Paige responds, trying to make sense of the situation, why would Addie do that? 

"It wasn't an accident. The cup was in the middle of the table, get your girl Bueckers." Saylor replies, hastily. "It's fine, lets just leave" I reply, clearly embarrassed. Paige goes to say something before Saylor cuts her off. "Save it Paige, enjoy your date". 

Authors note: What are you guys thinking so far? Also, happy Christmas Eve!! Thought I'd bust out a chapter before I head to my family's Christmas, even though I can't eat anything due to my wisdom teeth surgery a couple days ago. Anyways, have a merry Christmas, I'll try to update soon!-S.S

Home run?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora