Chapter Three: Rainfall

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Butters stayed silent, watching him. He wanted to stay like that forever, but he simply couldn't. He sighed, composing himself, and walked over next to Kenny. "Hey, Ken.." Butters kept his voice soft to try and comfort Kenny. He turned to face Butters. "Hm?" His eyes—or, what was visible of them—were slightly red and puffy. Butters, unsure what else to do, rushed closer and pulled Kenny into a hug. Kenny blinked in shock twice before caving in and hugging back. He smiled a bit.

After a few moments, Butters pulled away and gently grabbed the strings of Kenny's hood. He started to untie the knot, reassuring Kenny the whole time. "It's okay, Ken! Girls are weird, don't spend your time crying over one." Once the knot was untied, Kenny smiled and hugged Butters quickly. Butters smiled and gently pulled down Kenny's hood. "Why'd you tie your hoodie strings?" "I just.. kinda wanna go home." Kenny's gaze met Butters'. "Oh.. if you go home then I will too!" His goofy smile forced Kenny to laugh. "If you say so." Butters pulled out his phone again, but Kenny stopped him. "Still dead." "Oh. Right." His smile faltered, which made Kenny's heart hurt for him. "We can go to my house. I'll text your parents. But, uhh.. it's a bit of a mess." "That's fine, Ken! I don't mind a mess, I just wanna spend time with you."

Kenny nodded and pulled out his phone. "You know their numbers, right?" Butters nodded. Kenny handed him the phone sheepishly, to which Butters smiled and texted them, asking if he could stay the night. Kenny didn't get to see the text before Butters handed back the phone with a simple "Yippee!" which he assumed meant yes. "Then let's go! We, uhh.. might have to walk though." "That's okay!" "It's raining." "Oh well!" Kenny sighed and removed the hoodie, giving it to Butters. "Ken, I'm not taking your hoodie." "Please?" Butters sighed and hesitantly put on the hoodie. Kenny smiled at him and adjusted his own suit. Butters, in the meantime, pulled up the hood and tugged on the strings. "Let's go?" Kenny asked. Butters looked up at him. He took a second to admire Kenny; his short, fluffy yet perfectly messy blond hair.. his eyes, deep blue like the night sky.. even his self-done piercings. Everything about him was so perfect with the hood, and Butters found himself captivated when he was without it.

Kenny nudged Butters ever so slightly. "Butters? You there?" Butters zoned back in and nodded. "Let's go." Kenny smiled, a confused yet genuine smile. He led Butters to the fence, where he reached up and slid his fingers between the wirings and pulled himself up and over the fence. He hopped down, and stood before Butters. "C'mon! Don't be scared, I'll catch you." "Are you sure?" "Of course I'm sure! I wouldn't let you jump the fence if it wasn't." Butters hesitated, but climbed the fence and jumped down nervously. Kenny caught him, holding him bridal style. "Well, this looks gay." "Uhhhh.." Butters blushed a bit and quickly got out of his grasp. "Let's just go." The two walked for a bit, the sound of Kenny's platform boots and Butters' dirty, worn-out sneakers making their own rhythms in the mud.

Once the two reached the road, the rain started to pick up. The two considered their options; sidewalk—the long way home—or road—the short way. "Let's just cross the road! It'll take less time," Butters noted, starting to walk mindlessly. "Butters!" Kenny yelped, pulling him back just as a speeding car flew past. "You need to be careful dude.." Butters smiled a bit and nodded. "Yeah.. uhh, thanks Ken!" Kenny shook his head. "I can't believe you." He grabbed Butters' hand, their fingers interlocking. Kenny looked both ways—getting hit by a car never felt good, he knew that for a fact—and quickly hurried across, Butters in tow. The rain was still pouring, and the squeaks of their shoes against the asphalt were loud yet quiet at the same time.

Kenny let go of Butters when they made it across. The two waded through low-hanging trees, puddles of mud, and pools of water. Eventually, they found their way to the neighborhood. Kenny smiled at Butters. "Only a bit more." Butters looked at him, mesmerized once again; his soft voice.. the way his eyes glimmered as they made it to the neighborhood.. how he ever so slightly stuck his tongue out when running. Kenny glanced back at Butters, chuckling a bit when he realized how awe-inspiring he was to him. "C'mon," he mumbled, grabbing Butters' hand and rushing down the neighborhood toward his house.

A/N: sorry if the chapter is short :) I was texting like 5 people while writing this AND cleaning out my Spotify liked songs sooo :P anyways enjoy the sweetness while it lasts...

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