Chapter 4

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The Spring breeze catches my braid and swirls it in the air, as though, trying to enjoy itself on the last days of the season. Sun is behind the dark clouds and I can already smell the rain in the air. I take a deep breath. I've always loved the smell of rain.

The forest line is not far from the train station. But I need to wait for the train to leave if I don't want to seem suspicious by heading to the forest alone.

I wait on the bench for some time, trying to busy myself with nothing in particular, appearing like searching my backpack for something. A few intrigued glances are shot my way, but I try and successfully ignore them. As always.

I am tired in my bones. I really need to sleep. And the girl who slept all the way here started snoring just when I was starting to dream. So, I listened to music using my earphones while sketching. I don't lie, I enjoyed it, though, I could use some sleep.

I sigh in relief as the train begins to pull off. And in no time, I am alone in the shack-like station which was built for some unknown reasons.

I get up and look around. Yep, I am all alone in the middle of nowhere.

After 10 minutes, I cross the forestline and walk deeper into the wilderness. I neet to have a better cover when I shift. Who knows what eyes might be watching you in the forest? Here could be anything.

When the trees get thicker and the bushes bigger, I come to a halt. Making sure, I am void of preying eyes, I drop my backpack to the ground and start taking my clothes off. I put my clothes in my backpack and straighten myself. After untying my braid, I comb through my ginger hair using my fingers.

''Ready, girl?'' Childlike excitement is evident in her tone as Helera asks.

''Ready. You?''



Just as I feel a gingery red fur start coating me, my bones break and affix, my whole body changing its form. Pain shoots through my spine. But I am too familiar with it to even acknowledge it. In a matter if seconds, I am on my four legs... or I should say paws. Paws that are coated with fur that is just like the color of my hair, as the rest of my wolf form.

I give the control to Helera and she does the closest thing to a wolf-squeling and jumps on her paws before starting to sprint in the forest. She runs in huge circles, never getting far from our original spot. After running around, rubbing herself on the dirt, jumping over the rocks and a little more running, which continued for an hour, I take the control back and retreat to our spot.

I carefully take the straps of my backpack between my teeth and lift it. It isn't heavy at all as one would think it would be, seeing that I had already sent almost all of my belongings home 2 days ago.

After securing the straps in my jaw, I walk deeper into the forest. Trees have started to become much taller and the leaves are bigger. Rain drops that've managed to get past the leaves, damp the already moist floor of the forest. I believe my senses to find the way home. My paws leaves their mark as I continue my pace.


2 hours later, I stand a few paces inside the edge of the forest as I watch my pack, still in my wolf form. The pack building is the biggest, three story building. Some light is pouring outside from the windows and balconies of it. Seperate cabins surround the area around it for families who prefer privicy.

I walk backwards a few steps before turning around and shifting behind a massive bush. The cold drops of rain sting my skin and I qucikly take out my black jeans and gray hoodie from my backpack and wear them. Grabbing the bag, I walk towards the clearing bare foot where the packhouses are located.

Two heads snap my way as I near the gates. Narrowing his eyes, one of the guards asks, ''Who are you? And what bussines brought you here?''

''I am Karalea Miran. I believe you were informed about my arrival''

The other guard says. ''You are the Beta's daughter_Kara, right?''

''I am.'' I only now recognise the second guard. He is my peer and attended to the pack school(which I used to go)as everyone else. Unlike me, they finished their studies there after their 16th birthday.

He nods and they open the gates. ''Welcome back.'' He says as the gates close behind me. I move forward towards the packhouse and open the double doors. Going straight to the lift, I press the button 3. Mom told me that they are still living in our old apartment which is near the end of the hall, close to the Alpha family's. I would probably get my own room on the first floor once I turned 18 if the things didn't get complicated.

I walk along the hall as quietly as I can and knock the door when I reach their apartment. Weak sounds of footsteps sound from inside before the door opens widely, and a pair big brown eyes look up at me, blinking.

I grin, ''Hi there, little pup. Don't you recognize your own sister?''

His eyes widen and he squels as he throws himself at me. ''Mom! Kara's home! Kara's back!'' I lift him and hug him tightly.

''I missed you too, little pup.''

''Kara?'' Mom comes from the kitchen, unwrapping the apron around her waist. She smiles and hugs me too. Kenny wiggles between us. ''Oh, Kara! I was starting to worry. You are an hour late!'' She withdraws and looks me over, as though, looking for injuries. I kiss Kenny on the forehead and put him down. ''Sorry, mom. My wolf hasn't run for a long time. So, I let her be for once.''

She frowns. ''I thought you were learning how to restrict her, not let her be.'' Helera quiets her movements in my mind.

My smile vanishes. ''There's no need to restrict her, mom. She can control herself. And she'd been stressed from not getting out. Besides, she has as much right to get out as I do. She is my other half.''

Kenny looks from mum to me, blinking, trying to comprehend what we are talking about. He was 5 when I left, he's 7 now. We were so tight, I would play with him a lot. But it was before, I don't know how thing are now. Actually, I'm surprised that he hasn't forgotten me.

She sighs. ''Alright. You've just arrived from a long travel, and you must be tired. So, let's cut it out right now and talk about it in the morning.''

''Ok. Where's dad?''

''He's with Alpha Edward and his parents. They have matters to discuss.'' She smiles. ''He'll be here in the morning to break the news for you. Now, go to your bedroom and freshen up. We didn't change anything while you were gone. And all the things arrived 2 days ago are there too. Com out for dinner in 15 minutes. Kenny, you sweety, go and play in your room. Your sister needs some rest.'' Kenny runs to his bedroom.

I frown as I move towards my bedroom. ''What is that news about? You seem so excited?''

''Don't think about it now, Kara. We'll talk later.''

I close the doors of my room and look around. Everything's same, but something seems to have changed. Maybe, it's me, not the room...

I go directly to the bathroom that is inside my room and take a shower.

We eat dinner like we used to before my first shift, like nothing's happened in the last 2 years. Then, I go to bed and fall asleep to the sound of drizzling rain.

Hi guys! How's the story going? Not boring I hope. The next chapter is really intriguing(I think?), so I suggest you to keep reading!

English is my 2nd language. So, if there was any mistake in spelling or grammar, I hope you'll understand me.

I love writing stories, though, this is the first one to be shown to public for anyone read.

I'll gladly take sincere criticism from my readers.

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