Now Showing: Shin Kamen Rider (Part Final)

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After the last scene, there were mixed reactions from the theater audience.

Ruby sobbed on her sister's shoulder, Weiss tried not to tear up, and Blake stared at the screen in sadness.

Nobara and Yuji are wiping their tears as they forcefully pull Megumi into a group hug. Gojo remained silent and gave them a sympathetic look.

Denji and Aki were quiet, but their expressions were depressed. Power is still eating her popcorn, but she does feel a little sorry for the human girl, probably. Makima kept her gaze fixed on the big screen; her face was as expressionless as before, but there was a slight flutter deep within her heart.

Amber got choked up and tried not to cry in front of her friends. Lumine and Eula console her, but they are also saddened by the scene. Diluc offered his silent condolences to Ruriko. Kaeya was bothered by seeing a girl cry and being unable to help her, so he just hoped she would get over it quickly.

Heidern and the Ikari Warriors pity Ruriko, but they maintain a straight face because they know it is necessary to eliminate Hachi-Aug.

"Hey, Isla, are you okay there?" Shun'ei asked his friend, who's lowering her head.

"I'm fine!" Isla said, her hands trembling. Shun'ei decided not to push any further.

"It's okay to cry if you're sad, Isla." A hand rested on her shoulder; it was Meitenkun, who was now awake.

"I'm not crying!" Isla denied it and looked away. Meitenkun gives her a slight smile and continues to pat her on the shoulder.

Harry sympathized with Ruriko over her friend's death, but he was also surprised when two of his friends hugged him tightly.

"I'm not going to let anything happen to you, mate." Ron stated.

"Me as well. Nothing will be allowed to harm you while we are still here, Harry." Hermione stated.

Harry smiles warmly at his friend's declaration. "Thanks, guys."

McGonagall watches her students with pride. Their friendship and willingness to stand up for one another are truly worthy of Gryffindor, and she is extremely proud of them. Dumbledore smiled as well; he can certainly trust his instincts that staying here is the right decision.

"Humans really are interesting." K was watching the whole fight on his tablet. He placed a white flower in his pocket as a symbol of respect for those who had passed away.

"You're old-fashioned, K." An unknown voice spoke up. The voice then questions whether Hongo and Ruriko are the two traitors. K responded that he hoped they would return to SHOCKER without further delay.

"Then I'm sorry, K. They're not coming back." The voice spoke up again, and a blade appeared out of thin air, pointing at the image of the pair. "Because I'm going to give them an icy cold end. Vengeance for Brother Kumo-Aug. That is now my greatest wish. The two traitors will die. That's a promise."

A figure reveals themselves; his face masks resemble those of a chameleon or so.

A figure reveals themselves; his face masks resemble those of a chameleon or so

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