Before The Shift

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Greeting, dear viewer!

I'm grateful that you have chosen our service for your entertainment. But before starting, I would like to ask you a few questions. Don't worry, these questions are just a formality; if you aren't comfortable with them, feel free to skip ahead.

Would you ever imagine that there are other worlds besides yours? Another world that is completely different from the one you're living in. Worlds that could only exist in your imagination?

The possibilities are endless, just like how many worlds exist out there. The infinite planes of existence, each with their own stories. Allow me to show you:

"Huntsmen and Huntresses fight against the forces of darkness. There were people who could bend nature elements to their wills. There was a group of teenagers who fought evil on a regular basis. Robots seek to restore humanity's glory. A world infected by the undead and human evil. Fighters from all over the world gather for a tournament of power. A world torn apart by constant war and ideas. Wizards protect the world from the dark side.

There were even more. A world in which superpowers are commonplace. Pirates in search of the world's greatest treasure. Ninjas go to war with one another. A world where giants pose a threat to humanity's survival. A gang of assassins who take on corrupt authorities. Hunters seek to uncover the dark side of the world. Curses born of humanity's emotions. Devils manifest from humanity's fear. Swordsman who slays man-eating demons. Gods and humans fight in a deathmatch. A dystopian future ravaged by human greed and cybermachines."

Countless stories from countless worlds are all tied together by one common idea.

Conflict—it was the one thing that they all shared.

No matter how different all of these worlds may seem, they thrive by fighting and constantly changing. Regardless of who or what they fight for or against, it is only by doing so that they can continue to exist; otherwise, they will be forgotten and vanish into the empty void.

Please excuse my rambling. It's my first time doing this, so I might be a little excited. I believe it is time to bring our previous guest here.






(Author Note)

Hi there, it's Daichung60 again. This is my first time trying something new from writing one-shot. As you can see, it's reaction fanfiction. And yes, the characters will be reacting to Kamen Rider shows—not any series in particular, but my personal choice. It could be an entire movie, a random episode, etc. Also, I will try to focus more on the characters' reactions, so the cinematic will be kept to a minimum.

As for who will be chosen as my test subjects, I actually have a list of a few potential candidates above; some are ambiguous, and some you might recognize. I won't spoil any yet. But I will also try to keep the number of characters to a manageable size because I could not handle fifty of them in my first fic lol.

Anyway, this is just a preview of what's coming up. If you like this story or want to suggest something, leave a comment below. Until then, goodbye!

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