An Invitation

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Our staff has chosen you to visit our Universal Theater, one of the world's most anticipated movie theaters. We guarantee that your experience at our theater will be unlike any other and that our service will meet all of your expectations. This is a one-time invitation, so do not delay, or you will miss out on this fantastic deal.

—Universal Theater Manager


"Hey Ruby, is the letter for you?" Said the blond-haired girl, who turned her head around.

"Uhh, no. I did not recognize it." The black-haired girl responded, who was munching on her cookies and milk.

"What about ya, Ice Queen? This fancy letter seems like it's for you." The blond girl turned into a white-haired woman who was sipping on black coffee.

"No. That letter does not appear to be from any of my father's associations. If that is the case, I would not have let you read it in the first place." The young woman, with pale skin, said it dismissively.

"It's not mine either, Yang." Before the blonde could say anything, a young woman with cat ears combing her wavy black hair spoke up.

Yang then began inspecting the letter by sniffing and tasting it.

"Hmm, it smells like paper and tastes like one too. Yep, this is definitely a normal letter." Yang said with a grin, and Weiss could only groan in response.

"So, there is this mysterious person who wants to invite us to a movie theater to watch a movie?" If you ask me, it sounds pretty suspicious." Blake expressed concern on her face.

"I am pretty sure this is a scam because I have never heard of a place called Universal Theater." Weiss said as she sipped her coffee.

"But what if it's not? That place sounds pretty fun to me."

"Ruby... We have no idea if that location even exists. In fact, I believe the whole thing is a ruse." Weiss argues with Ruby.

"Ah, but I really want to come with you guys. You know, like besties together." Ruby said this as she gave her team the famous puppies' eyes.

"Alright, alright, sis. We'll go to this theater together, okay?" Yang admitted defeat as she fell to the pups' eyes once again.

"What?! Are you serious? Do you realize how dangerous going to an unknown location like that is?" Weiss shouted in anger.

"Actually, going to the theater with you guys could be fun." Blake raised her hand in agreement.

"Not you too, Blake!" Weiss said in disbelief

"Come on, Weiss. It will be fun, and with you there, nothing can go wrong." Ruby said, beaming at Weiss.

"F-Fine. Because you guys are so hopeless, I will make sure we have the best hangout you have ever seen." Weiss said with a flush to her cheeks.

The entire team cheered and hugged, much to Weiss' chagrin. To their surprise, the letter began to glow, emitting a bright light that enveloped the entire team.


The light went out with a click, and Team RWBY vanished.


"Heyyyyyyyyy, my precious students!" A hyperactive voice comes from a blindfolded, white-haired man.

"Oh, Gojo-sensei. What brought you here?" A young man with pink hair waved to his teacher in response.

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