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Felix giggled when Jisung attacked him with kisses. He was kissing everywhere, his cheeks, his forehead, everywhere.

"How late is it by the way?" He asked leaning into Jisung's touch. Seungmin looked at his watch.

"1 pm." He replied. Felix jumped up and bolted out of the door, trying to get out of the huge house. While doing so he bumped into someone.

"Ah- I'm sorry." He apologized as he stood up. The man only looked at him coldly.

"Watch where you're going." He scoffed and stormed away, making Felix confused. Just then Jisung had caught up to him.

"Feli- ah. Felix." He huffed out. He was out of breath by running so fast.

"I'm sorry I have to go to work." Felix apolagised scratching his neck akwardly. Jisung frowned at him.

"It's Saturday." He said. Felix shrugged walking away.

"Wait you work in the weekend too? Eh?" He asked in a dramatic tone. Felix chuckled.

"Gotta keep the money rolling i guess, bye." He said before bolting out of the door. He somehow found his workplace after a while of running around mindlessly.

"Nobody noticed, phew." He mumbled when he arrived. He was actually 7 hours late but no one cared since there were no costumers yet.

"Lixie! How can you run so fast?" Felix was really shocked when he heard Hyunjin's voice. They just got out of a car.

"Uh- I don't know." Felix shrugged still confused why they are here. Jisung walked over to him and rested his head on the counter.

"Massage? Please." The quokka like boy mumbled. Felix caressed his hair before massaging his scalp, chuckling whenever Jisung moaned.

"I need to get to work tho." He pouted at him. Jisung whined but retreated, following his friends into the car and driving away. Felix sighed.

The boy felt so nervous when he walked back home. Would his dad be mad? Or would he have not even noticed? When he got into the home he was shocked.

"Eh, boy. Where have you been?" His father said drunkily. There were bottles of wine all over the floor.

"I-i was at a friend's house..." Felix stuttered. He couldn't lie to his dad.

"So you waisted money just to sleep at another house? Does my hot body not satisfy you? Huh!" His father scoffed grabbing his hair. Felix whimpered.

"Guess what. I'm going to send you to a strip club, and you'll learn what it's like being a slut! You're starting tomorrow." His dad screamed. Felix teared up nodding quickly, his father really thought he was all that huh?

"C-can I g-go to my room n-now?" Felix stuttered. His father clicked his tongue.

"Not before you tell me how much calories you swallowed there." Mr. Lee scoffed and forcefully put him on a scale.

"You gained ... calories! You should be ashamed of yourself!" He yelled and threw his son on the ground. Felix whimpered crawling away, he was too weak.

"Go! Go sob in your room like you always do!" His father yelled before throwing himself on the couch. Felix bit his lip as he crawled up the stairs, hiding in his room.

"W-what?" He whimpered when he saw something not very exciting. It was a really revealing lingerie, something he would wear at the club tomorrow.

"N-no." He mumbled looking at the cat ears and collar.

✔️Lixie? ~ Felix x Skz Where stories live. Discover now