Stormy Grace

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The heart races,
breaths go high,
Like a flustered rain
under moonlight's sigh.

Stormy bright eyes,
shattering pearl tears,
In the full moon's glow,
like shooting stars, it appears

Nightmare on my wet eyes,
drenched with fear,
Heart about to burst,
worry drawing near.

Ocean of feelings,
trapped in a bottle tight,
Mind ceases to move,
in the still of night.

Cloudy mind,
amidst blurred eyes' view,
Life strives to move,
amidst the hue.

In the center of my world,
I stand alone,
To fight and to thrive,
on my very own.

Amidst black clouds,
light does survive,
Despite their efforts,
the moon does thrive.

For within the storm,
grace finds its trace,
In darkness,
light still finds its place.

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