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In the depths of my mind,
a tempest brews,
Rain falls relentlessly,
a torrential deluge.

Each drop a worry,
each splash a fear,
Drowning out the whispers,
drawing ever near.

Yet amidst the storm,
a quiet snow descends,
A blanket of white,
where darkness bends.

Silent and still,
it covers the ground,
A chilling embrace,
where silence is found.

But in the distance,
a glimmer of light,
A white cloud parting,
revealing insight.

Through the darkness,
a beam breaks through,
A ray of hope,
piercing the blue.

In this dance of rain and snow,
light and dark,
I find solace in beauty,
the contrast stark.

For within the storms,
there lies a grace,
A reminder that even in darkness,
light finds its place.

Ink and EmotionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang