Bellamy was going to say something but someone else spoke. "Okay, that is it!" Everyone looked at the small grounder.

She then looked at everyone else, "Fighting isn't going to help us, and yeah, Lincoln is dead, but he taught me to never dwell on the past, that it's just going to bring everyone more pain. We need to focus on what we are going to do right now," Jaycee looked at Nova and smiled.

"She's right, we can deal with that later, right now we need to figure out what the hell my brother is talking about," Speaking of my brother, Miller spoke out, "They're here," everyone turned and saw the rover lights.

The rover pulls up and Clarke steps out.

Jasper was the first one to talk, "Need your help! We have to get her inside before she wakes up!"

"Were you followed?" Bellamy asked.

Jasper was stuttering a lot, "Uh- Maybe, I don't know"

"Get to the ridge. Radio if you spot anyone following. Harper will stay here on watch." Miller said.

"Octavia, come on. We need you," Clarke said.

Everyone then entered the cave.

"Clear some space," The Griffen girl spoke.

"What the hell happened to her?" Sinclair asked, worried about the kid he loves like his own.

"I told you on the radio. Raven is not Raven anymore. None of them are. Jaha's been chipping everyone," Jasper said looking at Jaycee.

Jaycee gasped, "Jaha tried to get me to take the chip, I said no, then I overheard Raven and Jaha's conversation about trying to get me to take the chip... That's why I ran."

Clarke nodded, "Yeah, Jasper's right. I've seen it with my own eyes."

"I don't need your help, alright!" Jasper snapped at the blonde.

Jaycee kneeled down to look at her brother, "Just take it easy and explain what happened."

"Jaha is using the chips to control everyone. You swallow it and it changes you. You forget who you are, and then you see this thing, ALIE. Only, she's not really there. She made Raven slit her own wrists. She was trying to get it out of her head. I was trying to help her but-" Jasper was slightly cut off by Sinclair.

"Okay, so let's help her now. Did she say how?"

Jasper thought about it and then nodded, "She was working on building something. She needed one of our old wristbands but Jaha destroyed all of them,"

Clarke then remembered something, "Wait a second. Does it look like this?" She pulled out Lexa's flame.

Jasper shook his head, "No, not exactly."

Raven then opens her eyes.

She then stands up and runs out of the cave.

"Don't let her get away!" Clarke screamed.

Jaycee was one of the first people to follow Raven.

"Hey. It's just the woods. I can't see anything!" She screamed out in the open. Jaycee knew that A.L.I.E was there.

She was then pulled back by Jasper and Bellamy, "Stop!"

"If Raven finds out where we are, so will A.L.I.E. She'll come for her." Jasper then sedates Raven. Everyone looked at him, "Reaper stick, last dose,"

Clarke then walked up to them, "We need to go," Jaycee looked at her, "Why? A.L.I.E. doesn't know where we are."

Clarke looked at her, "Because I know where we can get a wristband,"

The Unwanted Child {1}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora