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'Son, where have you reached?' asked Hyunsoo through the bluetooth in the car.

'Dad, there are still 32 mins left on the drive, and where should I go straight home or to Ssangmun?'

'Your choice, Son, won't you be tired?' said Hyunsoo 'I will see dad, bye then'

Hyunsoo, who is the president of the government party UTDP (United Together Democratic Party), and his son, who is assigned to look after a secret team of his father.

He had to come from Deagu to Busan just so he doesn't disappoint his father. He has atelophobia (fear of disappointing someone).

He thought no one knew about his top secret, but little did he know that his father already knew about it months before he called Minjun over to Busan.


Sorry for not posting for a long time. I can only write some days because of work in school. Thank you for understanding. Please do comment if you like it.😊

Trust:Broken and Healed again-JisooWhere stories live. Discover now