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Ring Ring. Eunji hits hard on the head of the alarm clock because her lovely dream was distirbed.'OMG, this thing wouldn't let me sleep peacefully.' She thought that until she looked at the time which read 8:34.

'Huh? 8:34? I am going to be late to reach there by 9:30.' She rushed to her closet, put on the first dress that she could find, and ran to the kitchen to make herself breakfast. After breakfast, she turned around to see the time, which was 8:58.

'I can't even finish my breakfast, and I hate eating a sandwich every single day because I wake up late.' she mumbled while rushing to go out the door.

Luckily the bus stop was near her house and she got on the bus at 9:03 which will reach just in time for her appointment at 9:30.

She finally reached in front of the school-Ssangmun girls' high school.
'ID please' asked the security with a face who this girl is?

'Uhh, oh here it is,' she said, confused because of why he is asking.He let her go in without any further questions.

She walked inside the building to see a woman pass by Eunji and asked her,'Excuse me, I am from Sarvom College to check out this school, so do you know where the principals office is?'

'Yeah, sure, you have to go straight then left, and it is the second door on the right,'said the woman

'Thank you.' said Eunji with a grateful face. She walked to the door and knocked on the door 'Sir may I come in?'
'Yes,come in.' said the principal of Ssangmun school.

She walked in to see the room filled different awards that the school and the children there had won. 'Wow, did the children here get these awards? They are amazing!'

'Yeah, they did win these ones. There are more in the main hall.' he said proudly
'Wait, are you from Sarvom College?'
'Yes.' said the Eunji.

'Oh,then head to room 1032;I will tell you an easier way to go there, go to the first floor through the stairs on the left and turn right, and it will be the second room there.'

'OK, sir, I will head there now.' said Eunji, unclear of what he said. She walked through the corridor, which was busier than the college.

She reached in front of the room that was told by the principal, she knocked on the door which a woman opened the door.

'You are from the college, right? Right now, it is break, so the class will start in 7 mins. Maybe you can go to the vending machine and buy a drink.'

Before Eunji could answer, the woman walked out of the room.As she said, Eunji went out of the room to the vending machine and got a strawberry drink.

Ting!Ting!Ting!Ting! There goes the bell. Eunji entered the classroom and sat in the back of the class. As she found a chair, all of the kids reached inside the classroom.

She was introduced by the class teacher to the kids and sat at the back of the class writing notes like she was assigned.



I can't tell you what happens next. It is a secret. Do you like cliffhangers?

Trust:Broken and Healed again-JisooWhere stories live. Discover now