[02] ━━━ girl in coyote skin

Start from the beginning

coyote malia blinked, completely alarmed at how the blonde's eyes were just like hers.

malia then was seen taking off in a speed, taking a rough corner.

"what, do i look like a wolf's lunch? i mean, what's with the wolves trying to eat me? first boyd now malia?" vanessa scoffs in disbelief.

"actually–––it's night, so, it's dinner time." aurora corrects.

vanessa gives aurora a look.

aurora then caught a high scent leading towards the werecoyote den, and realized why malia seemed so upset.

"scott and stiles' scent are all around the den, that's why she seemed hostile." aurora sighs out.

"not to mention someone took the doll." vanessa mumbles.

aurora sighs out. "i think i know who."


━━━ sylvester de lune sat in a chair in a dark room, as if waiting for someone, then his green eyes flickered towards the window, seeing someone crawling through the window, jumping on the ground, then moving forward to close the window.

sylvester then turned on the light switch, him seeing his niece just standing by the window.

"hello, niece." sylvester calmly greets.

aurora slightly winced, closed her eyes, her shoulder slumping, realizing she has been caught.

aurora slowly turned to look at her uncle, her nervously smiling at him.

"hey, uncle sylvester." aurora awkwardly says.

"enjoyed your night of running through the woods?" sylvester asks, getting up from the chair.

"...i wasn't running, i was walking, you know–––there's this girl-." aurora was saying.

"i don't care, i'm not mad." sylvester says with a shrug.

aurora sighs out in relief. "thank goodness!"

aurora then lightly scoffs, a smile on her face. "and isaac says that you've completely changed."

sylvester's blood ran cold hearing this, not exactly wanting her to think of him differently just because of her boyfriend's silly insinuation.

sylvester slowly walked towards aurora, aurora, noticing him in front of her, became startled, her then noticing an expressionless look on his face, clearly worrying her.

"uh-." aurora was saying.

sylvester's hands were on either sides of her neck, causing her to gasp lightly.

"you're not beginning to be afraid of me, right? you wouldn't dare choice some guy over me, right?" sylvester asks, oddly calm.

aurora confusingly frowns at him, but seemed a little scared, but didn't show it.

"wh-what? what kind of question is that?" aurora strangely stares at him.

sylvester then gave her a smile, lightly laughing. "come on, hey, i'm kidding, relax."

aurora nervously laughs, uneasily looking at him.


━━━ after hearing what happened with sylvester and aurora, vanessa didn't really know what to say.

"i'm not saying that isaac is right about my uncle sylvester acting different-." aurora was saying.

little wolf ━━━ isaac laheyWhere stories live. Discover now