"Why?" smiling, she asked.

"Well, it was me who came to you in the middle of the night and woke you up. I prevented you from having a magic dream..." My voice turned to a whisper.

"My best dream is you."

I couldn't leave, more than anything I wanted this night to never end, to never start the morning... I just suffocated from her tenderness, from her kisses, just from her presence near me. We fell asleep only at seven in the morning, and we were awakened only by a loud knock at the door and a voice...

"My God, what time is it?" Yooh, get up, we overslept!

" Miss Kim, are you asleep?" The voice was familiar, yes so familiar that I jumped up sharply from the bed and stood at attention.

Miss Solji again energetically began to knock on the door and flick the doorknob.

"Quickly into the closet!" While Jiu was trying to put on a robe, I got dressed and climbed into the closet.

I heard the door open, and the teacher entered the room with her heavy step.

"You'll have to forgive me, I overslept, it's just that yesterday some hooligans didn't turn off the car headlights, and they were shining directly into my room, it was impossible to sleep..." Jiu excused herself.

"It's strange, there are no cars on the territory of the farm...:" Miss Solji squinted at the window," I'll find out today who these night fops are, and we'll figure it all out. And now I'll lie down at your place for an hour, because, can you imagine, they've been cleaning my room since morning!

"Shouldn't we be getting the boys together for a horseback ride?" my woman's voice was clearly trembling. Of course not, you can imagine how much I have to sit here and wait for her majesty's class teacher to get some sleep!

"I went to the person, who is in charge of the trip, and he said that the horses still need to be prepared for the walk, so we leave only in two hours. So I'm going to lie down, may I?"

"Yes, yes, of course."

Miss Jiu stood in the middle of the room, nervously rubbing the buttons of her robe, glancing every now and then at the closet.

"Shit," I swore. We have to do something or we're going to get caught."

Carefully taking my phone out of my jeans pocket, I dialed Gahyeon's number; she always helped me out, and now was the time.

"Hello, Gahyeon, it's me. Help me out, I'm in the closet..."I said as quietly as possible.

"What? What?" she yelled into the phone.

"Damn, Gahyeon, I'm in Jiu's closet, help me out, otherwise Solji will help me out first.

When I got a firm "I see" in reply, I calmed down a bit. I felt Miss Jiu walking around the room, distracting Miss Solji with meaningless conversation.

Shifting the phone from hand to hand, and not calculating my nervous state, my lifesaving friend flew down with a clatter.

"What is it?" I heard the voice of the class teacher," Do you have mice too?"

"No, it's probably just a dress that fell off the rack, I'll pick it up later," Jiu answered as confidently as possible.

"A dress? I want to look at it. I adore dresses! When I was in... "said the teacher, approaching the closet, I felt her reaching for the pen, but immediately recoiled from it.

"Miss Solji! There's something in there!" With shouts running into the bedroom, Gahyeon began waving her hands.

"What is it? Where is it?"

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