Her place

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Autumn break – one should be happy, but it feels so empty. Empty because she's not around. This week has become pure torture for me. I felt suffocated by emotions, thoughts, and yearned for the moment of meeting her. At night, my phone screen constantly lit up with the same numbers – her number. Yet, I lacked the courage to make the call. My break passed in sorrow, and Monday promised a new surprise.

"Well, why do you have a sad face?" Gahyeon hugged me from behind, asking.

"Everything's fine, I just didn't notice how quickly the break passed."

"I think I know the reason," Siyeon smiled. "You're finally free. Our bet's deadline has passed. And, I think I need to declare a winner. Girls, what are your thoughts?"

"Stop it, Siyeon. Everyone already knows it wasn't a game," Dami intervened.

"So what? There has to be a winner!"

I wanted to get up and leave silently, but my personality took over, and I couldn't hold back.

"And what's there to determine! You're the winner! I missed the deadline, and failed to impress the teacher! So breathe freely and celebrate your victory! What a gladiator I am!" After these words, I grabbed my bag and headed to class. My emotions were boiling, erupting like Vesuvius taking a break!

For some reason, they scheduled our biology class last, and I tried to calm down for it. Siyeon and the girls didn't bother me; they sat quietly, listening to music. Finally, she entered the classroom, stood in the middle, and announced:

"Anyone taking the biology exam, write a practice test now. The rest can go home."

A triumphant shout echoed through the classroom. Books, notebooks, pens, all flew into bags without discrimination, and almost everyone rushed out. Four of us remained.

"I forgot to warn you – the break passed too joyfully. I hope yours was divine too." With these last words, she looked at me, hoping for a smile. Seeing my sad face and empty gaze out the window, she quickly began handing out assignments and explaining them.

The rhythmic ticking of the clock echoed in the room. The rustling of papers and the clicking of pens blended into the atmosphere around us. Thoughts raced through my head, appearing and dissipating irreversibly. It was already getting dark outside; almost everyone had left the class. Only Dami and I remained.

"I'm almost done; wait for me downstairs," Dami said.

Nodding, I went out, sat on a bench, and closed my eyes from exhaustion.

"You didn't even say goodbye to her; you can't do that! She was sitting so sadly," Dami approached me.

"I don't care."

"Was this bet really just a stupid game? Were all your feelings for her just scripted? And the main director was our unique Siyeon? Go to her now... She's waiting for you."

"Dami? Since when did you become a matchmaker?" I asked irritably. "I'm tired. Let's go already. She's waiting not for me but for her men. She has someone to meet."

"As you wish."

Having gathered, we left the school, and finally, I took a deep breath. Her windows were lit... And even as I moved further away, I could feel her pain and sadness. Oddly enough, the black Audi didn't pass by the school... Well... Not my problem anymore. Not mine.

If there's one place where you can truly unwind, it's during physical education class. We're fortunate with our teacher – we do what we want, come when we please, and exercise as much as we like. Isn't it paradise? While changing for PE, the girls and I, as always, discussed the most grandiose gossip and rumors circulating in our school. These conversations always marked the beginning of our sessions. The bell rang, and the girls, as a group, headed to the gym. As for me, I, as always, took my time getting dressed. Sitting in sports pants and a sports bra, I searched my bag for a T-shirt – I'll just stash it away! Gahyeon watched me with a smile, commenting, 

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