The Truth Unveiled

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"Admit it, you proposed to her."

"Where did you get that idea?"

"Just look at how she looks at you; it's something inexplicable. I bet right now she's definitely not in the mood for independent work. Oh, what love does..."

Whispering like secret agents behind the backs of our classmates, Siyeon and I exchanged words. Biology class took a back seat, and the teacher's gaze took the forefront. Miss Jiu kept showering me with her shy smile, and her eyes were fixed on mine, and I liked it damn much. It seems like today is another one of the best days, maybe even more than just a day, perhaps a night...

After waiting for the end of the class, we left the classroom and headed to the cafeteria. Taking our rightful, traditional places, we started devouring this divine meal.

"By the way, I have something for you. You have to read this! I worked on it all night!" saying this, Siyeon started rummaging in her bag. Taking out a computer sheet, she theatrically handed it to me.

"So, what do we have here, your jokes again," quickly scanning the text, I immediately returned the sheet to the creator." Very poetic".

"What's there?" Gahyeon asked, taking the sheet. Dami joined her.

"Point one," Dami began reading." To win a woman, you must give her as many gifts as possible: chocolates, cards, flowers - things that will lift her mood and focus all her attention on you. Point two. You should compliment a woman as much as possible; she'll lose her mind from them. Point three. Casual touches to her body will instantly drive her crazy, and as soon as you reach out, she'll be in your arms. And, finally, the final point - the bed. Following all the previous points gives you the right to possess her; this is victory!

"What nonsense is this?" finishing my tea, I asked." No, I suspected your hidden talents, but to write such... never.

"Why are you so surprised? I actually care about you! Your quarterly is what? Right, a B. Well, that's not good; your beloved teacher gives you a B, it's terrible. I suggest intensifying the effect. Let's say, work on her completely. There's nothing wrong with that, just spice up your actions a bit."

"Siyeon, understand, I don't care about some grades. I love her, and I don't care what numerical coefficient she assigns me in the quarterly grades. That's it, let's close the topic, or better yet, get rid of this instruction," taking the sheet from Gahyeon, I was about to tear this perfect masterpiece.

"What do we have here?" instantly approaching our table, Sua took the sheet from me," interesting. This isn't about our miss Jiu, is it?

"None of your business! " Siyeon quickly took the paper and put it in her briefcase, securely fastening it.

"Well, well, nothing; surprises are just beginning. Have fun with me some more," giving me a threatening look, she joined her classmates. But even merging with a bunch of gray nerds, I felt her piercing gaze.

The last class, how I awaited it... If only I were a time wizard, I would have such amazing abilities... When I want, I stop time to savor the most precious, pleasant moments. And I can also do the opposite, fast-forward time swiftly so that these moments start much sooner. My daydreams were interrupted by a knock on the door; ms. Solji appeared in the classroom and directed her gaze at me.

"Today, is it a staring competition?"

Excuse me, please," Ms. Solji addressed the physics teacher," I need to take two girls from you. Quickly, follow me.

"Siyeon and I understood that she was talking about us. Getting up, we followed her.

"Where are we going?" Siyeon asked all the way.

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