Come on, say it?

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Blocking her way, I looked her in the eyes, hoping for an explanation of everything that was happening because I didn't understand anything. But I categorically didn't want to believe her words that there were no feelings on her part.

"You're in my way, clear the passage," Jiu demanded coldly.

I stood my ground, locking eyes with her, determined to get the truth. "Say it directly, look me in the eyes, that you don't love me."

Silence hung heavily between us, a tense pause pregnant with unspoken pain and shattered expectations.

"Come on, say it? If it was easy for you before, now it won't be a problem for you," I urged, my voice tinged with a mix of desperation and hurt.

Jiu's expression remained stoic, as if she was suppressing her own emotions.

"Are you going to take the test?" she asked, her voice trembling, a hint of vulnerability peeking through.

"I'm going to do something else..." I responded, my voice laced with bitterness. Each word carried the weight of the emotional turmoil I was going through, the frustration of feeling deceived and the sting of rejection.

The atmosphere between us grew more palpable, charged with unresolved feelings and the unspoken pain of a shattered connection

The woman cast a fearful glance at me, attempting to pass by. I had Jiu pinned against the wall. She clutched the sheets to her chest as if it could shield her, but it was just paper... My lips pressed against hers, my hands wrapped around her waist, and my back felt the unpleasant sensation of being pressed against the wall. The woman resisted, but it was a brief struggle. Suddenly, all the papers scattered, and her hands pulled me even closer. Passion and wildness unfolded between us; the desire to sort everything out quickly faded, and all resentment and tears disappeared. Her whisper echoed in the office like a haunting melody, her gentle fingers entangled in my hair, and her hazy gaze drove me into a frenzy.

"Yoohyeon, someone is coming," she pulled away abruptly, her eyes alert to the clicking of heels.

The door creaked open, and the surprised eyes of our homeroom teacher fixated on us, scrutinizing us like criminals.

"Where Yoohyeon is, there are always scattered papers. Are you a tornado or something? Well, miss Jiu, I came to you. I brought you a list of people who are going tomorrow. Here it is,"Miss Solji handed over the list, carefully inspecting both of us. "Is everything fine?"

"Yes. Don't worry," the woman replied, now resembling a disheveled morning chaos in her appearance. As they say, she overslept.

"Well, wonderful. Yoohyeon, don't misbehave!"

As the door closed behind the teacher, I sighed with relief.

"We almost got caught," I whispered, collecting the scattered sheets from the floor.

The awkwardness in the room lingered, and I continued to collect the scattered sheets, my fingers trembling slightly. Jiu, still avoiding eye contact, began to help, silently reaching for the papers. The charged atmosphere seemed to amplify every rustle of the documents.


"I'm sorry I can't keep promises," I interrupted the silence.

It's already six in the evening, and here we are, just the two of us in the office, not exchanging a word. I sit there, pretending to work on the test, randomly selecting answers, stealing glances at her. Miss Jiu acts as if she doesn't hear, getting up from the desk and taking a watering can. She delicately waters the flowers, gently touching their petals like a child, seemingly inquiring about their lives.

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