I love you...(M)

397 20 7

It's December 31st on the calendar, the anticipation of New Year. Frantic people rush through the city, energetically waving their purchases. I stood by the window, observing all this madness.

"Yoohyeon, hurry up, we need to make two more salads," Grandma said.

"How many?! You promised that this would be the last one..."

"I think it's not enough, so let's make a couple more."

Making a displeased face, I sat at the table and began to look for a recipe.

"Grandpa is lucky, he decorated the Christmas tree and is free!" I continued to complain.

"Never mind, we'll finish quickly!" Grandma encouraged me.

Smiling and sighing heavily, I resumed my culinary skills. After all, it distracted me from thoughts that were becoming all too familiar to me.

"Today I will call her... I promised, and she's waiting. I'll wish her a Happy New Year, promise myself not to say anything unnecessary... Or maybe..."

"Okay, I need a hot bath. Grandma, everything is ready, and now I'm free," I quickly jumped from the table and ran to dissolve all my thoughts.

The magical time was approaching. There was very little time left until the new stage of life. The playful lights on the Christmas tree shimmered rhythmically, creating a festive mood. Grandpa poured champagne into elegant glasses with delicate stems. The last minute, the happiest moments of this year passed one after another. The president's congratulations, the chime of the clock, champagne splashes – everyone had their own. A wish? Yes, I made one. The most sacred, long-awaited, fragile, and I hope a miracle will happen, and it will come true. The night sky lit up with fireworks, and its star friends danced a New Year's waltz.

My phone was already exploding with greetings, and the girls were at the door.

"Happy New Year!" Dami jumped on me and hugged me tightly.

"If you don't let me go now, the New Year won't come for me," I laughed and freed myself from her embrace. "Where are the girls?"

"They're waiting near the entrance! Hurry, let's go to the Christmas tree!"

Quickly getting dressed, I said goodbye to my parents, and we rushed outside. Siyeon and Gahyeon were already playing around the snow-covered swings. We reached the Christmas tree quite quickly.

"Did you call her?" Dami unexpectedly asked.

"No..." I answered sadly.

"What are you waiting for? It's a holiday! Time to congratulate!"

"Right now..." With trembling hands, I took out my phone. Strangely, a lot has happened, but I'm still afraid. I haven't seen her, haven't heard her voice for so long. But I can't not call. I must. Following the tradition, I stood and looked at her phone number; the magic call button beckoned to me. Stepping aside from the shouts, I finally heard the dial tones.


Her voice abruptly shut down the work of my entire body. I froze and breathed heavily into the receiver.

"I'm listening," the teacher repeated.

"Miss Jiu, Happy New Year to you!" I finally managed to say.

"Yoohyeon, the same to you! How are you? How are you celebrating?"

"We came down to the Christmas tree with the girls; they also congratulate you! Come to us."

"Thank you, but I just came in from town, went to see the fireworks. Don't stay outside for too long; it's dangerous now."

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