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Jiu's Pov

On the balcony, Seola, Handong, and Yuqi stepped outside, engrossed in lively conversation. However, as they laid eyes on me in my distressed state, their expressions shifted to shock.

"Jiu, what happened? Get up quickly from the floor; it's cold," Seola insisted, squatting down.

"What's that disgusting thing in your hands?" Handong asked sharply, taking the extinguished cigarette from me.

Without exchanging words, they lifted me by the arms and guided me to the sofa in the living room.

"Tell us what happened? Something with Jay?" Yuqi inquired.

Through sobs, I managed to shake my head negatively and replied with a choked voice, "No, they played a game on me."

"That scoundrel," Yuqi muttered through her teeth. Seola had already poured water into a glass and handed it to me. Handong stood aside, looking at me with bitterness. Just then, Seola's phone rang, and she hurriedly answered the call. Handong asked Yuqi to make tea to help me calm down.

Alone in the room, Handong approached the window and, without looking at me, asked, "Did you say that Yoohyeon betrayed you?"

"What?" I raised my head and looked at her.

"I'm asking, did you think she was playing with you?" Handong turned and looked into my eyes.

I instantly stopped crying, bewildered. "Wh...where did you find out?" I stuttered.

"On that day, Yuqi forgot her scarf at your place. To avoid driving around in the yard, I suggested going to you on foot. When I approached the entrance, I saw her going in."

"She also forgot her gloves at my place," I blurted out.

"Jiu, who are you trying to deceive right now? You love her, and back then, I saw that Yoohyeon loved you too. She couldn't even take her eyes off you. I don't understand what could have happened," Handong said, sitting on the couch.

"I don't know. I just know that she played a game with me. When she came to my place the other day, Jay came over to take his clothes, and I just kissed him because I wanted her to be jealous. I wanted her to see that I don't suffer, but that's not the truth. I'm in pain."

"Have you talked to her after that?"

"I told her not to call me anymore and forget about me completely."

"Did she explain her actions in any way?"

"I don't even want to hear her stupid excuses. And how could she explain it?"

"Sorry, maybe I'm meddling in your business, but was there something between you and her before?"

I didn't even need to answer; Handong read everything in my eyes. She simply hugged me, and I burst into tears again, burying my face in Handong's shoulder.

Handong held me in a comforting embrace as my tears continued to flow. I felt a mix of emotions—betrayal, confusion, and heartache. The weight of the situation pressed down on me, making it difficult to breathe.

Yoohyeon's pov

Despite my less-than-ideal condition and the visible traces of the recent incident on my face, I went to school. Questions about my eventful absence were inevitable; one by one, classmates approached me as if seeking autographs, and I narrated a pre-concocted story I had prepared at home. The genre turned out to be far from romantic, leaning more towards science fiction, but it was well-received by the school audience, mainly because it was based on real events. My friends walked alongside me like bodyguards, and overall, the beginning proved to be interesting.

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