"Hi" I breathe out hating the silence,

"I-" he starts but cuts himself off taking another breath,

"You look beautiful" he smiles, oh god.

"You don't look too bad yourself Beckett" I tease him as he steps closer to me, if I took one more step our chests would be touching.

"God could you two at least wait until I'm gone" Sofia says from the corner of the room causing me to shoot my head up and flush from embarrassment.

"I'm sor-" she cuts me off before I can finish,

"No need, have a good time. Text me." She says winking at me then turning her face into a scowl to look at Luke who is still watching me.

"No games dickhead else I will personally make sure you will never be happy again" she threatens him but he doesn't seem affected at all as he chuckles, I wave her goodbye as she walks out of the front door leaving me and Luke alone.

"God Lizzie, you look perfect" he says as I smile up at him flushed.

"Should we go?" I ask,

"Right-" he reaches into his pocket,
"Here" he says as he passes me a thin piece of fabric.

"You are not blindfolding me" I refuse,

"You have to wear it else it will mess everything up" he does his best attempt at puppy dog eyes, fucker.

A moment of silence echoes between us as he waits for my answer.

"Fine. I swear to god if you drop me" I say as he ties the blindfold around my head,

"I promise I won't let you fall" he says, he kisses the top of my head letting it linger for a moment longer.

⎯⎯ ୨୧ ⎯⎯

"Twenty questions" I suggest after what feels like has been an hour but from what Luke keeps telling me has only been twenty minutes.

"Hit me" he says as we take another turn, I hate not being able to see where we are going, not being able to control it. I hate it.

"Favrioute colour?" I ask,


"That's a horrible choice" I say as I fake gag making him chuckle,

"Thought you were asking me questions not judging me" he bites back,

"Favrioute season?"



"Pyramids, Frank ocean"

We continue like that for what feels like ten minutes, me asking questions and him replying every now and then he would ask me one.

The car finally stops and I hear him shift into park, my nerves are bouncing all around. On the drive over I assumed we weren't going anywhere near meadow ridge since the drive was far.

My passenger door opens and I put my hand in the air to feel my surroundings, a hand catches mine and pulls me against them, my sense are on edge but the familiar smell of pine wood puts me at ease, Luke.

"Please don't lead me to my death" I mumble as he puts a hand on my lower back and leads me, I hear him chuckle and leaves crinkle under my shoes?

Oh my god, is he going to kill me?!

"I'm not gonna kill you" he laughs, making me even more embarrassed when I realise I accidentally said that aloud.

"We're here" he puts his hands on the back of my hair gently untying the soft fabric and letting it drop to the floor.

My eyes take a moment to adjust to the dim light before I take in what's around me.

There is a black picnic mat laid out in the middle of a cliff, I step closer and notice the lanterns put around.

I look over my shoulder and my gaze cuts to Luke, he's holding holding up bags of candy, looking my way but never looking at me.

"You have a good view of the stars um here" he clears his throat,
"If you don't like it we can go grab dinner or something"

"I love it" I say quickly trying to put him at ease when I realise I still haven't said anything.

How can he be so hot and adorable.

"It's so pretty" I say looking back at the sunset as he leads me towards the blanket with his hand on my lower back.

"This the place you take all the girls?" I raise an eyebrow at him,

"Just the hot ones" he shrugs and I hit him in the shoulder.

"You did all this?" I say as he passes me a cushion and a bag of watermelon sour patch.

"Elijah our freshman helped"

"But you did this." He doesn't turn to look at me instead he places a blanket over us nodding slowly in recognition.

"Thank you - for the groceries and this" I say pointing around.

"Don't worry about it"


Happy International Women's Day to all my hot ladies!!!


sorry for being very offline this week I have been swamped with exams💖

Tell me what scenes you want to see in the next few chapters!!

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