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Sitting in the car at my parents, I wasn't too keen on going inside and facing them. The reality was that this wouldn't be a productive conversation. Mum could get set in her ways, and once she made up her mind, she didn't change it.

I'd ducked down the shops first and did a bit of Christmas shopping, figured I wouldn't be in the mood to do it afterwards. It was hectic, no wonder it was called the crazy season. Everyone leaving things to last minute, and then rushing around. This year, we had joined that club also.

"Oh Ashton, are you hungry?" Mum called out. "I've made lunch."

"Nah all good thanks, I grabbed a pie from the bakery." I made my way over to the kitchen table and joined dad there.

He put his paper down and smiled. "Sounds nicer than the sandwiches we're about to have." He winked. "Isabelle and the bub not here?"

I shook my head. "Nah, she's tired." It was half true, half a lie.

"How is Noah?" mum sat down, bringing over a plate for me too. "Is he settling in at home, ok?"

"He's good, we were up a few times throughout the night." I spoke. "We're settling in alright; it'll take a bit to get used to everything too." I admitted. "Probably helps that I've got Belle's mum helping out too, she's been making sure everything is taken care of."

"That's nice of her, do you know how long she is staying for?" dad asked.

I shrugged; I wasn't actually sure. "I don't know, there's no rush though. She keeps to herself and doesn't really bother us if we're doing our own thing."

"Mm," mum pursed her lips together. "It would have been nice if you brought Noah with you. We'd love to see him again."

I frowned, looking up at her. "Mum, he's like five days old. I'm not taking him without Belle. She's got to feed him."

"She could express." She pointed out. "That way you can take him with you at times."

Not wanting to lie, I shook my head. "Ahh no way. I'm not even going to ask Belle that." The thought hadn't even crossed my mind. "He's fine with her, and I'm not too keen on him leaving the house just yet, he's still new."

"I was only suggesting." She sighed.

I leant back and groaned, running a hand through my hair. "Look I know you're just trying to help and offer advice but maybe have a think about how it would make Belle feel first. You upset her yesterday with the comment about holding him, and I just hope you never mention her needing to express so I can take him."

Dad looked over at mum, and back to his paper. Mum threw her hands in the air and pursed her lips.

"I give up. I was trying to help. If you hold a baby, then he will expect to be held all the time."

"Who cares mum, you're not the one who's raising him so that's on us." I snapped. "If we want to hold him, then we will hold him. Belle is learning, it's new to her. She doesn't need you making snide remarks which then make her fucking cry later."

Well, this was going as great as expected as we hadn't even discussed what I came here for. Mum snatched up dads empty plate and took my full one back, she was upset. I couldn't win.

"Is lunch ready?"

My head snapped around and I saw Jenna standing in the doorway. My eyes wide as the shock set in. "She's still here?"

"Your mother wants to help her." Was dad's answer.

I couldn't believe it. "Jesus mum."

"Jenna sit up at the table, I'll bring your sandwich over." Mum ignored me, and answered Jenna instead.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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