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I looked up from finishing my dinner as my husband walked over, carrying our small newborn in his arms. He was smitten, he had barely left our sides. His smile was as big as ever, and his blue eyes were glassed over. I could count the times Ashton had cried on one hand before Noah was born, and since he had been born, he was a very teary man.

"He's all changed and ready for bedtime." He said softly as he brought the little wrapped in blue bundle closer towards me. Ash has zero issues changing him, he was very hands on, but I guess he had experience with all of that.

"He's so cute." I reached up and ran my finger down his tiny nose.

"You cooked him well." He smiled. "Do you want to try and give feeding another go?" Noah wouldn't latch on to start with and had to be fed with a syringe while I was in surgery. I so badly wanted to feed on my own, but I didn't want to make a big deal out of it, if it happens it happens.

I nodded and asked a little embarrassed. I didn't know what I was doing and didn't feel confident. "Can you help me?"

He looked at me with his brows dipped in a confused state. "Of course I will help you."

I had a pillow beneath my arms and around the front of my chest to lay him down on. The latching part was the hardest, it would take some time to get the hang of it. My shoulders relaxed when he latched and began to drink. Finally.

"Have you spoken to your mum and dad? Was mum coming back?" I asked.

"Mum and dad will come and visit when we're home, and yours is coming back to tomorrow morning I think." He smiled. "Parker said he'll come visit once we're back at home also."

"Just your parents?" I looked at him, not wanting to say her name out loud just yet.

He nodded, sitting back in the armchair beside the bed. "Don't worry, I've made it clear. You're to take it easy, I won't let anything upset you."

I appreciated that, but I was more worried about him. As traumatic as things had been for me, he was the one who also witnessed all of this unfold. I don't remember a whole lot of it, just giving birth and then feeling very lightheaded and then waking up in a different room.

We watched tv quietly as I finished up feeding, and once Noah was in a deep sleep, I laid him on the bed gently as I moved to stand up and place him in his crib. I just stared at him smiling, he was the spitting image of his dad. His hair was dark brown and stuck up in the middle like a little mohawk, we tried to flatten it but it just dried that way.

Feeling absolutely stuffed, I laid back in the bed and rolled to my side reaching out for Ash's hand. "I love you."

He bent forward, pulling my hand closer to his lips. "I love you more."

It didn't take long for me to fall asleep. There was nothing better than going to sleep and waking up hours later without needing to go to the toilet. Noah was starting to wake, so I fed and changed him, and we had cuddles for a moment. I needed to move my legs a bit, and walked around the room slowly as I rocked him gently back to sleep.

"I can't believe I'm your mummy." I just couldn't believe it.

Noah woke once more, and we did the same thing, feed then change and cuddle. I didn't wake Ash, there wasn't anything he could do. He had done so much already. Noah fell asleep and I didn't want to move, I just loved this. His little cheek asleep on my chest. We didn't have much of this bonding time after his birth.

When I woke again, it was morning. I did have an insane headache though.

He must have heard the bed creak as I moved because he was shifting in the chair and stretching out his arms as he woke up. "Sorry." I whispered.

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