Who me? ME?!

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The knock on the door threw me a bit off but at the same time when the door opened, Callisto had already grabbed me by the waste and made me sit on his lap on the bed. I got a bit too close to him while teasing and now he had me. Did I really knew what I was doing? By now I started to doubt myself. 

Anyways, a maid came into the room looking at us for a bit frozen in place at the door but then walked in none the less. This was certainly not one of Callisto's maids because they would not just walk in like this. Besides I was about to give them a bit of a show as well.

Me: How dare you interrupt us!

Callisto: Oh dear, someone had just woken up a sleeping lion.

Me: I am bad bitch, your highness and do I have to proof that myself yet again?

Callisto: I would love to see another lession of yours.

Me: Oh I am quite the good tamer here.

The maid seemed to be uncomfortable while we both continue to talk to each other while looking into each others eyes. At this point I had totally forgotten that I was sitting there naked. I mean we were making quite the great show in front of this made. A bit too bold and a bit too naked but oh well.... No one said anything about anything. They didn't dare to do that for sure cause I had the feeling that Callisto would either spill some blood or hang them. Who knows what it would be but I would prefer some poison.

Maid: I came here on her majesty's behalf. 

Callisto: Tell her I am busy.

Maid: She explicit asked for her attendance at her private tea party.

Me: Oh dear... but I have a beast to tame. I don't know if I will be available.

I was definitely in controll over everything here because while Callisto was staring at the maid, I decided to force him to look at me before kissing him slightly for a bit but he decided to go on and deeper our kiss. If someone ever says a kiss can be hot, then ama be honest and say... I was out of breath and a complete mess after this one. God, this person was such a great kisser as well. Only when we parted, did he glare at the maid who was still standing there watching this unfazed.... or so she wanted to act.

Callisto: You heard her.

Maid: I must insist on this. It's her majesty's order.

Me: Very well, I will attend and give her a nice gift as well. What does her majesty enjoy?

Maid: There is no need for a gift.

Me: Oh but she will soon be my mother in law. How could I not bring a gift.

Maid: ....

Callisto: I am sure you will find something.

Me: Oh I know. How about the maids, head. Or what you think about a blood bath? I heard human blood mixed with milk is quite good for the skin.

Callisto: We can arrange that.

Me: That would be quite messy.... oh but I have a better idea.

Callisto: Do tell.

Me: There is a foreign art that uses the human skin as a canvas. You think her majesty likes a good painting, or a nice fan or perhaps a lantern?

Callisto: All of your ideas are brilliant.

I could feel how he was definitley amused about this and he even kissed my forehead while we were talking about this quite enthusiastic. The maid on the other hand seemed to be back away bit for bit for bit until she excused herself and we let her go. Of course said person starting running out of the room while leaving us alone. It took us exactly 3 second later to burst out laughing and for me to get away from him to finally get dressed.

Callisto: A blood bath combined with milk?

Me: You don't like your mother, do you?

Callisto: No.

Me: Then this is a proper warning not to mess with me or do you think differently?

Callisto: Oh no, I find it quite creative to send a message this way.

Me: Ah there are better ways to send a message.

Trust me... modern world has quite some horror scenes to offer.....

Mental tormenting their victims....

I think that is no word here but.... I am not really from here.... so I might see things a bit differently.

Once we got dressed and finished our breakfast, we both headed out. I think he liked the idea about the blood bath since he said something about but in the same time he did tell me not to worry about the present since he would actually prepare it for me. As for me, I headed out to the market to buy some dresses since I wanted to have some casual things to wear besides all these gowns that he prepared. Callisto really was a lunatic on that aspect. The dresses were gorgeous but a bit too much to wear on the every day occasion.

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