Diagon Alley Part 1

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After lunch was over, you and Hagrid left the orphanage. Infront of the gates lay a carriage in wait, the driver and the horses patiently waiting. 

"You came in a carriage?" You asked curiously.

"Aye. Too big for a car or bus. Ever been in one?" Said Hagrid.

You shook your head as the two of you approached the carriage. The driver tipped his hat to Hagrid. You walked over to the two horses, reaching out a hand to pet one of them.

"Yeh like them horses?" Asked Hagrid.

You looked back at him with a smile.

"I like lots of animals. like them better than most people." You said honestly, as you used a hand to pet each horse.

"Aye, that they can be. I have a fair love for them myself. Bigger the beast the better." Agreed Hagrid.

Your smile got a bit bigger. Hagrid climbed into the carriage, and sat at the edge to make room for you.

"Up you get now. Long day ahead of us." Said Hagrid, waving you over with one of his large hands.

You nodded, and left the horses. You climbed into the carriage, and took a seat next to Hagrid. It was rather squished, but you'd manage.

"Where too?" Asked the driver.

"Charing Cross Road." Said Hagrid.

The driver nodded, before lifting the reins. The horses began moving, carrying the carriage down the London roads.  The carriage ride was peaceful, and you enjoyed the scenery as your travelled deeper into the heart of London. Eventually Hagrid called the driver to stop at the corner of Charing Cross Road and Tottenham Court Road. With the carriage stopped, you and Hagrid disembarked. Hagrid made sure to pay the driver, and the driver then departed.

"This way." Said Hagrid.

You followed Hagrid down the sidewalk, and soon came across a pub nestled between a record shop and a bookstore. It was called the Leakey Cauldron, with a sign underneath saying 'Pub and Lodging'.

"Here we are. The Leaky Cauldron. Famous place it is, lots of wizards inside." Said Hagrid.

"But what if someone who's not a wizard walks in? Shouldn't it be more hidden?" You pointed out.

"Oh, it is. Hidden by magic, so muggles can't see it. They just see some forgettable rundown store." Explained Hagrid.

"Muggle?" You questioned the new word.

"Aye. Non magic folk. And you'd be Muggleborn, wizard born from muggles." Hagrid clarified.

You nodded in understanding, repeating the new words to yourself. Hagrid opened the door to the Leaky Cauldron and went inside, you following behind him. Inside the pub, were many men and woman in in robes, cloaks, and other strange clothes. There was laughter, drinking, and some kind of card game in the corner. There were also other strange creatures there, some short, some tall, some with pointy ears. It was then that you really felt like you properly stepped into the world of magic. 

As you walked through the tavern following after Hagrid, many called out greetings to Hagrid. 


"Hagrid! Came to join us for some drinks?"

"Hagrid! Come join our game, you old lout!"

"Not Today, lads. Got business to do." Said Hagrid, waving them off.

"Whose the girl?"

"Care for a drink, girlie?"

A drunk man held out a drink for you, but you backed up shaking your head.

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