Chapter 3

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"How long until the teams touchdown in SIngapore?" Amber asks, while her eyes are fixed on her nails that she was carefully filing away.

"It should be Thursday, which is tomorrow. The flight from Monza to Singapore is pretty long." I reply, before checking my emails from my laptop that was nestled nicely on my crossed-legged thighs. A few new emails came in, most were from our current clients who are most likely asking for updates on the design they requested. I haven't had the time to book a studio to take product pictures for those that need it, but one of my classmates from university that I was still in contact with runs a studio. So I might just ask her to help slot me in when there is vacancy.

"I'm so excited! I can't wait to flex our garage passes when we enter." Amber beamed. And you know it is a genuine smile when both of her dimples show.

"Me too. It's going to be a nice break from all the work after this hectic week." I sighed in relief, my eyes still glued to the screen as I continued to read through all the emails. That was until my eyes landed on one in particular, in which my eyes instantly widen in shock after reading the subject of the email.

"What is it?" Amber asked, knowing that it must be something good that I was reading from the email I had just opened.

I read it twice more, maybe even like thirty times over, to make sure my eyes were not playing any tricks on me. Lately I have been hallucinating things, but when I shoved my laptop screen towards Amber to let her have a read through, I was sure from her reaction that it was real.

"Holy shit. Alethea! Congratulations girl!" Amber rushes over to where I was sitting and shakes my shoulders in excitement. I cheer out loud and kick my feet after placing my laptop down on the coffee table, safe from the chaos that will happen in a moment.

This is crazy. Am I going crazy? Maybe.

But I just got myself a new client.

From one of the largest companies (in my very humble opinion) in Singapore.


The most luxurious hotels known in Singapore, with the incredible architecture and stunning views you can get from your room. The windows face the perfect angles that give you the best glimpse into Singapore's best tourist and local attractions. I have personally never stayed in one, since I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth, but it has been my biggest dream to work with them.

Holy shit.

"Quick, send a reply to them and let them know that you are very much willing to work with them for their next media opportunity." Amber reminded me as she handed me my laptop. I sit back down, my legs unable to keep still and my fingers constantly shaking in excitement. Typing out the reply is definitely a challenge when every inch of you just wants to bounce off every wall of the house and yell from the rooftop that I got the opportunity of a lifetime.

To whom it may concern, god fucking bless you. Will a million 'thank you's suffice? Never. Never in a million years.

Now, time to hop on a call with them the first thing in the morning tomorrow. I got to get ready to listen to whatever campaign they are thinking of doing and what I would need to prepare for them.

To try and calm down, I decided to open up Instagram and glance through all the Formula One drivers' stories. Apparently the Lurgan team is having a nice team dinner at a hotel. The pictures that Vale and Mikey took of the food looks super good and man, I cannot deny that my mouth didn't water while looking at them.

Oh, and the restaurant's dishes too.

"Whatchu doing?" Amber asks with that kiddy voice she always uses when she pretends to be cute around me.

The 28 Day RaceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora