Chapter 43

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The annoying rays of sunlight had awoken Sawyer before he had liked to. Out of all the days he got to sleep in, the sun had to ruin today. The man, however, looked down at the woman lying next to him curled up in a ball. A smile had crept upon his face.

“Morning.” Erica had greeted him with a groggy smile.

“Morning.” Sawyer greeted her with the same smile in return.

They will be damned if someone had found them like the way there were or if Negan had walked in at any moment.

Rumors spread like wildfire throughout the Sanctuary, but Sawyer and Erica had been keeping their relationship in the dark. The only ones to know were Sherry, Clementine, Samantha, and even Tin. But their friends had promised not to say anything.

Sawyer knew the moment that Negan found out, he would probably go to hell. But Erica wanted to wait to tell her father in which Sawyer agreed. He didn't want to get his face burned with the iron, just for dating the leader’s daughter. Though Erica promised nothing would happen to him. But Negan was Negan and, in no doubt, was very protective of his daughter.

“Going to Simon with Hilltop today.” Sawyer informed her as the two of them had gotten dressed. This would be the first time Sawyer would go to Hilltop, and unlike the Kingdom, they were allowed to step inside the community’s walls.

“You two seem to be getting along?” questioned Erica.

It amazed him that he and Simon had actually gone a while without berating each other. Sawyer always wondered if Simon was either a) not feeling well or B) up to something.

Perhaps Simon was waiting for an opportunity to throw Sawyer overboard. But of course, Sawyer never gave Simon the chance to punish or yell at him. Especially after Sawyer vowed to himself to make it to the top.

After Erica had slipped out of the door, Sawyer waited a good few solid minutes before making his way towards the group that would be going with Simon to Hilltop. Even Tin was allowed to go. “Sleep in, I suppose?” Tin teased Sawyer as he was the last one to show up, only for Sawyer to give his friend a look that read
*Better watch out, kid.*


Gregory was a cowardly older man with a clear bald spot right on his head, Sawyer could tell that the old man was the type to have someone else do all the dirty hard work rather than do it himself.

Sawyer couldn't help but find it amusing how Simon could make Gregory tremble in fear whenever he was in sight. Despite the man's lack of trying to hide his fear of the Saviors, in which they should be afraid of them.

Jesus was an alright dude despite the looks he was giving. He still didn't get why they called him that though, it wasn't as if he was the real deal.Sawyer made a mental note that Jesus could be a potential threat later on and if needed to, they would/could eliminate the man.

Sawyer began to help his fellow Saviors collect the goods, and most of them were useful to them. But it would be Sawyer and Tin who would later spend the rest of their evening debating which stuff was actually useful or not.

“Ah! Gregory. I'd like you to meet Sawyer.” introduced Simon, causing Sawyer to hand his box of goods to Laura as he turned to shake Gregory's hand. But not before wiping it on his pants due to the unwanted sweat he had just collected.

“Nice to meet you, Sawyer. I'm assuming they might call you Tom?” Gregory asked, Sawyer wondered if that was meant to be a horrible joke. He hated being referred to as Tom Sawyer. But not as much as he hated Negan calling him Soy Sauce.

ONLY HUMAN [ROSITA ESPINOSA]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara