Chapter 37

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“If we have lots of food supplies, why do we feed the prisoners dog food?”Sawyer asked Simon as they did their daily rounds of feeding the prisoners.

There were some people in the Sanctuary who were lucky enough to join them and work with them, but those who refused. Well, they didn't get the privilege.

“Not everyone gets the privilege of luxuries. Luxuries are earned.” Simon explained, Sawyer hinted a coat of annoyance in the man's voice as he watched Simon open the door to a cell.

Sawyer watched as Simon threw a sandwich in the cell. He stumbled backwards when he saw two pale almost lifeless like hands emerge from the darkness and scrambled just to get the sandwich and he looked up at Simon as they listened to whoever was inside munch on it before Simon closed the door.

Sawyer then followed him, gripping onto his cane. He fucking loved his cane, it allowed him to be able to walk around. It was better than being stuck in the wheelchair and pushed around all the time. And it wasn't until this morning when he realized that it was also a sword. He felt like freaking Percy Jackson when he accidently stumbled upon it and wondered if Negan had given it to him on purpose.

It didn't take long before he and Simon finished feeding the prisoners, Simon even let him feed the last one. Though he accidently threw it too far into the cell so he was a little disappointed when he didn't see who the prisoner was.

Sawyer felt relieved that the day was almost over. But it wasn't quite yet. He had two more days until he had to help Negan regain his medicine supply and he was more than determined to get double the amount and prove his worth to them.

By lunch time, Sawyer once more joined Negan and the lieutenants. Listening to the conversation around him. According to Simon, the building they had knowledge of for medicine supplies were surrounded by walkers and there wasn't a way around the horde. But they didn't say anything about going through it.

“What if–” began Sawyer. “You go through the horde?” he suggested as all eyes became glued on him.

There was a moment of silence before a ball of laughter filled the room. Sawyer couldn't help but flared his nostrils in frustration. They weren't even going to hear him out.

“No one in their right mind would go through a horde of meat puppets.” chuckled Simon.

“Yeah, unless you want to get bitten,” said Arat.

“But I've done it before. It's how I survived the first winter. At least from what I remember.” claimed Sawyer.

“You really think that we're just going to–” began Simon but Negan interrupted him.

“There's no harm in trying. Let him show us what he wants to show us.” Negan said, giving Sawyer a friendly smile.

Sawyer was pleasantly surprised when Negan seemed eager to learn his ways. He gave him a small smile before looking over at Simon for any means of approval, only for him to earn a small glare from the man.

Out of a the blue, the doors swung open and a Latino man with black hair and a mustache appeared causing everyone's head to turn towards him. “Perimeter breached.” The man told Simon, completely out of breath.

“How ma– “ began Simon but was interrupted by the man.

“No way! No fucking Shawty!? Is that really you? It's me, Morales man! “ exclaimed the man.

All eyes turned toward Sawyer again causing him to shrink down a bit. He had learned he didn't like it when the attention was brought on him and it seemed like he was getting a lot of attention nowadays. He felt a pair of eager eyes on him, knowing well who they belonged to.

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